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What is your favorite Affiliate Network?


New Member
Hello everyone,

The other day while doing some research, I was looking at a list of several affiliate networks and wondered who here favored what network.

When I first started affiliate marketing, the only affiliate network that I knew of was Clickbank ( in which I still enjoy). But now I am very much a fan of LinkShare because of their vast number of programs that are available to promote.

If you use affiliate networks, what's your favorite and why?


Most affiliates I know really like Shareasale, Azoogle and ShareResults.

CJ is probably the biggest but loses favor with affiliates now and then when they do things like LMI.

Lots of affiliates I know don't like LinkShare and I'm not certain exactly why.
I personally don't like CB because their reports are terrible and they don't offer click tracking, plus there are too many people that overwrite CB links.

My 2 cents.

What do you guys think?
Forex Affiliate program

I have listen to these programes on every forums. But no one is putting a discussion on a new forex affiliate programe. I think it's a most powerfull and unique affiliate program in forex and affiliate industry. They have two trier systems and u can earn huge income by just reffer a singel person to there site. They also have some great incentive too.
What u people think of that programe.

I need honest and good openion from you.

Forex is okay

Forex is okay

I think alot of the clickbank products are great

John Vaux
To me, forex is in basically the same category as loans and porn. There's probably some money to be made but the competition is huge. Way too many programs.

As for networks, as an affiliate I like azoogle and cpaempire and as a merchant I like clixgalore because it suits the demographic my product is aimed at.
I like direct programs, rather than networks. I like the best. It is 2 tiered program and I earned a lot of money from it. It's payout is on lead not on sale and works well. You should check that out.
I'm gonna have to go with CJ. Even though they piss me off on a regular basis, I can't set aside the fact that they provide me with better tools for earning - best interface of the big networks by far, better linking options (product page definitely), best variety of good-quality affiliate programs.

I think SAS will be my favorite as they evolve. Right now, it's frustrating trying to find a good affiliate program because the search sucks and they're loaded with crap programs to sift through.

Linkshare has some good programs but the interface is absolutely horrid, as are their linking options (C'mon guys, nobody uses banners anymore!). And they simply don't seem to respond to all the feedback out there about these issues, which really says something about the company.

I do like AzoogleAds for my sites which are appropriate for CPA, I simply don't have as many of those as product-focused sites.

My .02 :)
While CJ is probably the biggest player in the industry, offer excellent support. They respond to emails in a timely manner, usually within 24 hours, and have a lot of customization opportunities. The fees are very reasonable as well, at least from the merchants' point of view. Strongly recommended. From what I heard they have an excellent reputation in the affiliate industry and they always pay on time... Sounds lmost like a promo but I've been an affiliate and now a merchant so I'm talking only from experience.
dont do a lot of CPA nowadays.. doesnt quite go along with my sites. i used to have good results with fineclicks(now shareasale), shareasale and CJ.
i agree with you arnold2, i use as well and its working good, i recommend trying it out. Do you know of any other social network sites that pay on a sign up like
not much

I don't usually do much with Pay Per Click, but when I do I usually will use Clickbank as an affiliate network.
I have to say, from the merchant side, I think CJ has the most flexible and user-friendly interface. I also find that, because CJ is bigger than the ShareASales and Forexes of the world, that I tend to get more attention to my programs. On average, I would say we receive 12-15 more affiliate applications a day on CJ than on ShareASale. Well, on one hand I could be shooting my own foot with this argument because if you go by the 95-5 rule, what's another 15 affiliates that don't perform? Still, I like my chances with a bigger population with whcih to try to get to activate. The gamble is half the fun. Long story short - like CJ best of the big networks, and best overall from the smaller simply because I can catch more affiliates into the net.
We've decided to give CJ a shot, it seems that like have many affiliates in their network and they are easy to work with....