I would like to start this important post to share the most effective search optimization practices, lets start discussing what search engines like and what factors have a direct impact on website search engine ranking, you are welcome to continue ...
- Keyword phrases put in website content
- Keyword phrases put in meta tags - tittle, description, keywords
- Incoming link quality and number
- Keyword phrases in incoming links
- Keyword phrases in internal links
- Keyword phrases in domain name
- Each page should be available for 2 clicks
- The time visitors spend on website
- Content update
- Website traffic
- Domain age
- PageRank
if you have something to add, please, don't hesitate to do this!!!
- Keyword phrases put in website content
- Keyword phrases put in meta tags - tittle, description, keywords
- Incoming link quality and number
- Keyword phrases in incoming links
- Keyword phrases in internal links
- Keyword phrases in domain name
- Each page should be available for 2 clicks
- The time visitors spend on website
- Content update
- Website traffic
- Domain age
- PageRank
if you have something to add, please, don't hesitate to do this!!!