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What will you do if you are stuck in google sandbox period?

There are many urban legends in the world of SEO, and the "sandbox" is one of the most well-known.

The sandbox is a mythical place where new websites are supposedly sent to be buried and forgotten, never to be seen by anyone again. The idea is that Google doesn't want new websites to rank well, so they put them in the sandbox to prevent them from getting any traffic. This is, of course, nonsense.

There is no such thing as the sandbox. Google has never confirmed that it exists, and there is no evidence that it does. If anything, the opposite is true.

Google has been known to give new websites a boost, not a penalty. So if your website isn't ranking well, it's not because you're in the sandbox. It's because you're not doing SEO correctly. There are a lot of factors that go into ranking well on Google.
What will you do if you are stuck in google sandbox

Build a sand castle!

This question has been asked and answered an abundance of times. It's like my 82 year old neighbor lady; "I won't go in there (her attic), my grand kids said there was a ghost in there"! She has told me this countless times over the years, and no matter how many times I offer to show her there is no ghost, I get the same answer.

Usually if you are not appearing in the SERPs returned for what you consider valuable keywords you:
  1. have mediocre content relevancy
  2. are in a very competitive segment/niche trying to better established domains with domain authority
  3. have created a spammy link profile and have been demoted to page 30
Not to be harsh --I have been in all 3 situations in the past :rolleyes: