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What would you do if the Internet world shuts down for a whole week?

What country are you in and why would you see this happening?

I am in the USA and the only way that will happen is an EMP event realistically and that is VERY REMOTE of ever occurring IMO.
Why do you think this can happen?
There are several ways that the global network of computers could be taken offline, at least temporarily. One possibility is a cyberattack. Malicious hackers could release software that targets vulnerabilities in routers, the devices that forward internet traffic. shutting down domain name servers - the internet's address books - would also cause massive disruption, preventing websites from loading. Another possibility is a physical attack. If enough undersea cables were cut, it would disrupt internet traffic flow around the world. And finally, governments could choose to shut down the internet within their own borders - as has happened in a few countries, such as Iran
I'm not worried about it at all!

I'll just go fishing!

Gone Fishing Holiday GIF by Kev Lavery
Well... I'd probably give my eyes a rest. I work online, so I'd put off work, get out of my favorite metarun and... Wow, this is where fantasy takes me to infinity. I would walk a lot around town, wake up in the morning and walk to the sea. I would engage in introspection and reflection in my journal. I would cook something delicious and meditate. I would also read books.
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There are several ways that the global network of computers could be taken offline, at least temporarily. One possibility is a cyberattack. Malicious hackers could release software that targets vulnerabilities in routers, the devices that forward internet traffic. shutting down domain name servers - the internet's address books - would also cause massive disruption, preventing websites from loading. Another possibility is a physical attack. If enough undersea cables were cut, it would disrupt internet traffic flow around the world. And finally, governments could choose to shut down the internet within their own borders - as has happened in a few countries, such as Iran
Well if they let us know, the length of time it will be shut down is just a week, that wouldn't be a problem, but if it is a long term thing, I might be thinking about emigration
Well if they let us know, the length of time it will be shut down is just a week, that wouldn't be a problem, but if it is a long term thing, I might be thinking about emigration
I think 1 week without internet
would be a good thing
make us all understand whats happened
how our way of life for 6 million years
has changed in 1 single century
and the impending global catastophe
that nobodys talking about
buts just around the corner
#floods #storms #tsunamis #lightning #volcanoes
you think im some kinda nut?
wait and see what happens
too late to change it now
planet earth is choking on humans
& its about to cough us all out
I think 1 week without internet
would be a good thing
make us all understand whats happened
how our way of life for 6 million years
has changed in 1 single century
and the impending global catastophe
that nobodys talking about
buts just around the corner
#floods #storms #tsunamis #lightning #volcanoes
you think im some kinda nut?
wait and see what happens
too late to change it now
planet earth is choking on humans
& its about to cough us all out
Definitely. Taking a step back to reflect on our personal lives can help us to find balance and perspective. It can remind us of what is truly important to us and help us to set priorities for the future. When we take the time to reflect on our lives, we can gain a better understanding of where we have been and where we want to go. We can also develop a greater sense of appreciation for the people and things that matter most to us.
6 years ago we had a major thunderstorm and windstorm --there was no electricity for 8 days and no cable internet for 12 days --the fiber optic cable was exposed on an overheard line and a tree fell and cut it. Took the idiots at Comcast forever to put 'humpty dumpty' back together again!

It was mid-July so I was in darkness at night --sans a flashlight and candles. The daytime temperature was up to 40C it was humid mid summer here --no power --no air conditioning. It was absolute hell.

The grocery store 5 miles away still had power so there was a source of ice. I had no full-time cell service. I had internet enabled VOIP --so there was no phone. I had to buy a cheap mobile so I had some communication.

Living in a blackhole for 8 days sucked. Living without internet for 12 days was a major inconvenience. No internet banking --no bills got paid --except my servers, that I could not use, were on auto pay.

I had a notebook-laptop and the coffee-shop/restaurant 3/4 of a mile away had power and a wireless internet. So, I could email the world. I needed a TLS Cert and a key to log into the company VPN to do most work --I couldn't the notebook was for travel and not secure. I spent 2 hours a day at the coffee-shop online. Power/internet outage was local to my surrounding area and up to a few miles away where the 'grid' was down.

Urban camping was not a vacation --I had a loaded 12 ga shotgun for 'security' in case looting became a problem --it didn't --but I was ready ;)
planet earth is choking on humans


We have too much selfishness as populations to allow for ourselves to be responsible stewards of the planet. The earth won't end, humanity will end when the earth cleanses itself. It has happened before. Science is discovering details now that this has occurred far more times than we initially thought.

We have too much selfishness as populations to allow for ourselves to be responsible stewards of the planet. The earth won't end, humanity will end when the earth cleanses itself. It has happened before. Science is discovering details now that this has occurred far more times than we initially thought.
The internet has definitely had a profound impact on humanity.
We are more prone to mistakes and errors when we are not face-to-face with someone.
I think 1 week without internet
would be a good thing
make us all understand whats happened
how our way of life for 6 million years
has changed in 1 single century
and the impending global catastophe
that nobodys talking about
buts just around the corner
#floods #storms #tsunamis #lightning #volcanoes
you think im some kinda nut?
wait and see what happens
too late to change it now
planet earth is choking on humans
& its about to cough us all out
Nothing will happen. Don't worry :cool: