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What Would You Do With $300 (or equivelant country unit)?


New Member
Ok, let me tell you a hypothetical story. You are a SEO. A
new client pops $300 (or your equivalent country unit) into
your paypal account. They tell you, "I saw your SEO ad, and
want to buy your services!"

Now, with that as the backdrop, let me ask you all:

What would you do for $300 in SEO for your new client?
I'm asking for specific SEO techniques (even black hat if you

This is not a question regarding ethics (hence the blackhat) - or
for you DIY types, please don't reply with, "spending that money
is a waist when you can do it all organically".

There is real money in SEO, and to drop $300 is very realistic.
So again, What would you do for $300 in SEO for your new client?
Not really sure what you want to be written here, i mean $300 in the Uk £150 isnt much, and would probably just buy you a consultation maybe not even a full in depth one, you right though there is alot of money in seo but $300 wouldnt even be a peanut to the good seo's
I agree with RiverWire.
Being realistic $300 would not go far at all. If somone said to me I can promote your site for only $300 I would tell them to go away, and find someone else.
Ok, let me tell you a hypothetical story... You are a SEO... please don't reply with, "spending that money is a waist when you can
do it all organically".
LOL. Ok, let's all take off our "sounds like a fly-by-night rip-off SEO company!"
hats, and let me narrow my question:

YOU are the SEO, YOU get paid $300 (since this is a hypothetical scenario,
I'm making YOU take the hypothetical money for YOUR hypothetical SEO
services ;) )

What techniques would YOU offer for ONLY $300?
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I would probably sort out thier front page, change to £150gbp that is two - three hours work, change the titles make sure image / links have tags and that is about it, what can you really do in three hours by the time you have grabbed the site etc.. Depends on how you feel and how much work you have on, could it lead to anything else. Other than that refund it and say come back when you are serious ;-)
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LOL. Ok, let's all take off our "sounds like a fly-by-night rip-off SEO company!"
hats, and let me narrow my question:

YOU are the SEO, YOU get paid $300 (since this is a hypothetical scenario,
I'm making YOU take the hypothetical money for YOUR hypothetical SEO
services ;) )

What techniques would YOU offer for ONLY $300?

Keyword research is about the best use of £150. Link building would be great, but without the keyword research there is nothing you can do. I NEVER accept a clients 'we know what words we want to aim for' instructions as in MOST cases they are wrong. Clients know their industries, BUT THEIR clients do not, so for example a printing company might want to rank for ' four colour process printing' , but their clients might be searching for 'full colour leaflet printing' for example.

I charge £500 for a site report, so £150 will not go far really :(
quite honestly I wouldn't have a clue!

I'd probably go and get wankered!