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Review What's The Most Important Factor For Success In AM?


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The most important part of success in affiliate marketing isn't your knowledge, or your bankroll, or your connections.

It's your mindset.

It's Not The Size Of The Dog In The Fight, It's The Size Of The Fight In The Dog

The most important factor in your success as an affiliate marketer is determination.

Affiliate marketing is not easy.

You'll get confused.

You'll have big failures.

You'll wonder if you can do this.


Time and time again, we've seen that it's not the smartest or most knowledgable people who succeed as affiliate marketers - it's the people who won't give up.

It's OK To Fail

You are going to try a lot of things that don't work.

That's perfectly OK. It's the nature of affiliate marketing that you 90% of what you try doesn't work - but the other 10% makes up for that.

When I started affiliate marketing, I completely flopped at it. Failed for months. Then, one day, I tried a new campaign - and that new campaign suddenly made me $x,xxx.

That's the same for everyone. Ask any of the moderators or senior members on Stack That Money - they'll all tell you that even today, when they try to master a new traffic source or vertical, they're going to have to go through a lot of failure to get to success.

In 2014, STM founder Stackman dived back into mobile. He'd been successful with mobile before, and he had years of affiliate marketing success. It took him nearly 50 campaigns before he found a good one - and that immediately paid back the money he spent on all the others.

Keep Working. Keep Launching.


There are so many traffic sources out there! So many verticals! So many offers! You've got to test them all, right?


Success in affiliate marketing comes from focus.

There are more profit opportunities out there than anyone can possibly tap in a single career. But success comes from focusing on one of those profit opportunities, and understanding it fully.

Focus on a single traffic source, and a single vertical. Learn its quirks.

Learn how to get cheap clicks.

Learn how the userbase thinks.

Learn what ads work and don't work.

The people who jump around from adult to mobile to Facebook before they get anything working are the ones who don't get anywhere.

Over and over again, the affiliates who succeed are the ones who commit to a single part of affiliate marketing and master it.

What To Do Now

Sit down and make a commitment with yourself that you're going to spend a solid period of time launching campaigns every day on the same traffic source.

You don't have to choose a traffic source yet - just make that deal with yourself that no matter how grim it looks, you're going to stick to your course until you find success.

If possible, actually write it down on paper, or email it to yourself. Stick a print-out on your wall. Whatever it takes to remind you that you're in this to win.
I love this! Terrific, motivating post, thanks for writing it.

We always tell newbies to focus and I think you've made that point very well. You've made all your points very well.

This business (as in all businesses) definitely requires commitment. Trial and error is the way to learn; mistakes are stepping stones to success. Failure is a teaching tool.
failure is steps of success but this mean is not a happy with failure, but next time do more for improvement.

I love this! Terrific, motivating post, thanks for writing it.

We always tell newbies to focus and I think you've made that point very well. You've made all your points very well.

This business (as in all businesses) definitely requires commitment. Trial and error is the way to learn; mistakes are stepping stones to success. Failure is a teaching tool.

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