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What's your view? Should Google Remove the PR Toolbar?

Should Google Keep or Remove the PR Toolbar?

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What's your view on Google removing the toolbar that displays PageRank?

Personally it brings a little colour to my web browser :D but could you live without Toolbar PageRank? Would not seeing it help the web as a whole, or hurt it
I take the view that if Google are going to keep the PR system then I may as well use the toolbar to look at various sites` PRs - including my own of course.
I voted against the bar. There is no real need and webmaster forums would be nicer without the PR related "how to increase my PR" topics:)
It just make happy on increase in Pr and sad on Pr drop but, have no effect on the Traffic and SERP purpose.
ABSOLUTELY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT get rid of the stupid little measurement. It means nothing and is the cause of most of the crap spam pages online!
I'm in favour of getting rid of it..
The only indication that means anything is N/A or PR0 and they are normally so out of date to be useless. What nice places Forums would be if it were Gone.
What's your view on Google removing the toolbar that displays PageRank?

Personally it brings a little colour to my web browser :D but could you live without Toolbar PageRank? Would not seeing it help the web as a whole, or hurt it

PR is just like a BIG FART which everyone can smell, but nobody can see its objective :D
It definitely still looks like an un even vote to get rid of the green bar yet some ppl obviously would rather keep hold of it. As i said for pure decorational purposes keep it but every thing else as OWT put it in his graceful words GET RID!
Leave it in Webmaster Tools - same way like new MSN Live has it, so it's only for your own use for those who can't live without it...

For general public - bury it somewhere where sun doesn't shine...
Leave it in Webmaster Tools - same way like new MSN Live has it, so it's only for your own use for those who can't live without it...

For general public - bury it somewhere where sun doesn't shine...

Great idea about putting it in google webmaster tools like msn :botles:
well, to all the ones who are against it ... interested in exchanging a PR0 links for a PR6 link or not?


(I'm being ironic in case you didn't noticed)
well, to all the ones who are against it ... interested in exchanging a PR0 links for a PR6 link or not?


(I'm being ironic in case you didn't noticed)

I was just about to accept your offer then :scared: never mind :sorry: