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When do I story sell?


Active Member
Hi guys,

I just finished reading Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson. In that book he talks about using an Epiphany Bridge story to sell products/services. He doesn't really talk about when to use it though.

Do I use it on a landing page? In a Soap Opera Series email? I'm a bit confused.

It's all about the Epiphany in the email? > read more about the Epiphany ->here (link to the landing page in the email?)
Like that maybe?

thanks for your repsonse graybeard. can I use story selling on a landing page though? i always thought a LP was:

Curiosity Headline
Bullet point 1: Benefit of using product
Bullet Point 2: Benefit of using product
Bullet Point 3: benefit of using product

An image too.

Could I tell a story after these bullet points? or do I leave it out on a landing page?

The Epiphany Bridge story has been around for centuries, as have most story born funnel systems. They were using them back in the days of camels and tents.

An epiphany bridge is a story you tell that is parallel to the client's wants and needs. When done correctly it paves the way for them to have their own epiphany. The intent is to have them sell themselves on the solution(s) you provide with the offer(s).

It is a story that takes people through the emotional experience that got YOU excited about the solution(s) you’re providing them so they can get excited about it too.

You can do it on the lander alone, but typically it is broken into segments beginning with the creative (that got their attention to begin with) and is broken into segments on the lander where you go into more depth about your experience and how it can become their successful experience as well.
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never read that book ... that said,
that looks more like a landing paid diagram to me ...

Emails do not sell; they inspire interest and a click-thru action --a [CTA] call to action
Announcements, product availability, coupon or discount price are email leaders generally.
Webinars, relevant new videos might be other CPA oriented stuff in the emails I see ...