11-2-2015 monda . Hello Newbie Affiliate Forum of 5 star affiliate programs , I just joined this membership site a couple of days ago , so I'm going to consider that the definition of NEWBIE .
Close engoug ; works for me . And moving right along . Does anybody out there in the information superhighway know where you can advertise for free a big banner ad ? I have a big banner ad 873 by 624 pixels where I'm trying to lead traffic to the front door of somebody elses membership site . My dilema is everywhere I go on the internet , their maximum banner ad size is 468 x 60 pixels . What's a fellar suppose to do ? I'm just trying to figure out this whole internet gig just like the next person . What do you thing can you help me out ? You're probably wondering why the banner is so big .
Check this out . It's a banner that compares free membership to paid level premium membership monthly ( but not annuall ) . My theory is . What if some people joined this membership site I'm promoting at a paid level of membership instead of joining for free and then I spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how to get some of them to pay to uprgrade to either a monthly or annual membership level . You know what I'm saying /
Close engoug ; works for me . And moving right along . Does anybody out there in the information superhighway know where you can advertise for free a big banner ad ? I have a big banner ad 873 by 624 pixels where I'm trying to lead traffic to the front door of somebody elses membership site . My dilema is everywhere I go on the internet , their maximum banner ad size is 468 x 60 pixels . What's a fellar suppose to do ? I'm just trying to figure out this whole internet gig just like the next person . What do you thing can you help me out ? You're probably wondering why the banner is so big .
Check this out . It's a banner that compares free membership to paid level premium membership monthly ( but not annuall ) . My theory is . What if some people joined this membership site I'm promoting at a paid level of membership instead of joining for free and then I spend the rest of my life trying to figure out how to get some of them to pay to uprgrade to either a monthly or annual membership level . You know what I'm saying /