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Which Comes First? Well-written Blog, Or Well-Researched Keywrds

King Conga

Active Member
It's Me. It's Me. It's G.P. Lea!

So, I think I'm getting a pretty good drip on good strategies that make sense, but I'm trying different approaches based on what I've been seeing and reading. I'm writing about a subject with which I have decades of experience, passion, and credibility. And I've obtained great readability scores from the sites that grade such things. I'm now going back and studying the fundamentals of keyword research, and virtually all of them say (or imply) to find your keywords FIRST, THEN write your blog. However, when I stopped to ponder that approach it hit me "That's now how I speak to a beginner, or anyone that asks me my professional opinion about these issues." So, why should I take that approach when writing?

Rather, what I've decided to do is what I iterated above. Develop a well-informed, well-thought out, but above all, easy to read article. THEN, I'm going back and extracting the keywords. Now, I may need to tweak the phrasing a little bit. For instance, 1.) I'm making sure my Title has the most important keyword in it. 2.) While being VERY careful NOT to appear to be word stuffing, I'm trying to use at least 2-3 more of the 5 keywords in my first paragraph, and do it in a quizitive way so as to keep the reader reading. I mean, I don't know about you guys, but nothing sticks in my craw worse than to waste 35-40 mins of my valuable time watching some of these ClickBank infomercials that blather ON AND ON AND ON AND ON about NOTHING before they FINALLY get to the sentence they should have answered in the first 20 seconds, THEN blather on and on. And to make matters worse, there's no way to FFWD the video through the first 20 mins. Is it just me? So, I'm trying to answer at least with 40% in the first paragraph why they clicked on my link.

I REALLY think this approach makes sense; especially if I have enough experience and credibility to know what I'm talking about. I mean, I already know the key phrases and buzz words that people need to be familiar with, so why create the wheel 2Xs?

Penny for your thoughts.
You got some good tips @King Conga
TY for sharing with us
for sure write 1st then SEO 2nd
1 thing you can do AFTER publishing
--> check Google Search Console regularly
see which queries you are getting impressions with
then tweak your content to include these exact match queries
also I like that you answer the question early in your posts
this is something I do always
in fact in the opening paragraph
its also my META description
most competitors try to get the click
by hiding the main answer buried down BTF
much better to answer ATF
& let your user decide if they want to read more
Natural language will have repetitive words at a density of 1.5% to 2.65% of the total word content.
That is assuming a 500 to 2000 word count. That is what I am getting with AI paraphrased rewritten content.
That is unbiased with absolutely no keyword consideration or injection.

The volume amount of content or commentary on a subject will matter a lot as far as SERP competition.

See if what you are doing works out --then adapt where necessary.
Hope you stick around @King Conga
we got too many bots on the forum
too many affiliate link spammers
so I hope quality affiliates like you
keep contributing & posting
--> its good to have you here!
Hope you stick around @King Conga
we got too many bots on the forum
too many affiliate link spammers
so I hope quality affiliates like you
keep contributing & posting
--> its good to have you here!
Mucho appreciado! Means a LOT! I've actually been working on Aff Mktg for over 15 yrs, and only now have I become to feel comfortable with the technology, although, I'm still in the kiddie 3 ft section.
Useful content = interesting or wow I didn't know that
Web spam SERPS = useless bullshit and page bounce
Either way you might monetize with ads or affiliate 'offers'
But you will do a lot better with useful content and relevant ads/offers ;)
Mucho appreciado! Means a LOT! I've actually been working on Aff Mktg for over 15 yrs, and only now have I become to feel comfortable with the technology, although, I'm still in the kiddie 3 ft section.
Most people quit
they get bored or lazy or tired or impatient
probably dont actually need the money
there is a long list of excuses I posted
1 thing is for sure
the software skills you learn now
will put you ahead of the chasing pack
up to date software knowledge is the key to success
--> also can be used for freelancer stuff
not just affiliate mktg
& most quitters dont realize this
you can do affiliate & freelancer
until affiliate is the bread winner
we need more winner mindset affiliates here
like you
Most people quit
they get bored or lazy or tired or impatient
probably dont actually need the money
there is a long list of excuses I posted
1 thing is for sure
the software skills you learn now
will put you ahead of the chasing pack
up to date software knowledge is the key to success
--> also can be used for freelancer stuff
not just affiliate mktg
& most quitters dont realize this
you can do affiliate & freelancer
until affiliate is the bread winner
we need more winner mindset affiliates here
like you
Well, I finally got a 4 yr degree in Internet Mrktg from Full Sail last May, so I have no excuse now. I had planned on getting Google Certified in all the GA suite of products, but I'm not that much of a geek. I LOVE the marketing aspect though. I'm hoping I've come up with an approach that's innovative enough to help me survive in the VERY competitive music industry. Thanks again for the kind words.
This is legit @King Conga
been researching Amazon Associates sites
these guys are nailing it
--> Piano Dreamers: Keyboard & Studio Gear Reviews, Guides and Tips
monthly traffic is 200K from Google search
check out this page
--> Best Digital Pianos & Keyboards 2022 (All Price Points)
30K monthly visits for 1 page!
These guys would be one of my competitors for my other site, which is on the backburner now due to tech difficulties on the SEO. Except mine isn't really a review site, but rather it helps prospective buyers speed up the research process by weeks or months because I gather HUNDREDS of consumer reviews from about 20-30 different retailers, as well as maybe 3-4-5 professional reviews like this so they don't have to sit for weeks or months doing their research, but rather as fast as maybe 30 mins. I also offer Aff Links to many different retailers in case they have a favorite. I was also considering contacting the retailer mgmt to sponsor a contest between sales reps to see how many consumers picked A, B, or C reps. Right now, I'm kind of scouting around credible freelancer sites that have strict agreements between the talent and clients. But I'm on a $1,000/mo. budget, so I'm considering paying them by $50-75 sessions that I can afford. It's not a lot that needs done, at least for someone that knows what they're doing. It's a HTML site though, and I DON'T want to convert it to a WP. Any ideas on the best freelance site I should use?

You will need to learn to edit HTML however
Use a ansi text etitor and a local webserver LAMP will work or Nginx with PHP 8.1 fpm
if you are not going to use any PHP (or other interpreter)
You could build a static HTML 'website' from a local folder and look at in in your web browser
WOW! Graybeard! That's a mouthful WAAY above my paygrade. I don't wanna go any deeper than a PowerPoint pres. I can do a little bit of the SEO, and HTML. Kinda monkey-see-monkey-do, but I'm a marketing guy that kind of enjoys geeky stuff. KIND OF! I'll check out some of the freelance sites.
i think a well researched keyword .Because you can write the best article in the world and its in a very competitive niche and only you will see the post and no traffic .On the other way you can write a non so good article but if its very good researched you will get good traffic and sales also
It's a HTML site though, and I DON'T want to convert it to a WP. Any ideas on the best freelance site I should use?

You will need to learn to edit HTML however
Use a ansi text etitor and a local webserver LAMP will work or Nginx with PHP 8.1 fpm
if you are not going to use any PHP (or other interpreter)
You could build a static HTML 'website' from a local folder and look at in in your web browser
Last edited:
Hire a WordPress 'form monkey'.
Backup your WordPress database and delete the old copies regularly as multiple backups take up a lot of storage space.
Web design is very time consuming and programming ad rotation and 'smart links' with your own logic is not easy.
There is a certain 'tool logic' that is needed with WordPress.

You should consider Social Media for; Updates, Marketing Hype, gaining a following and traffic. It's very technically easy to use social media --most of the work there is marketing, brand (or domain) awareness as well as personal interaction that may be beneficial to your 'mission'. Just don't get caught in the *time traps* of social media answering real stupid replies to posts and dealing with all the trolls :D

Just write content in notepad and save it as csv so the line ends are /n instead of dos /r --yeah it makes a big difference when coding to a server. Don't use word, PowerPoint or other binary editor for webserver work making HTML or other code.

How a webserver 'reads' .docx binary WordPress editor will just freakout :D

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Formatting text into post content in WordPress is pretty simple