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“Adavice”/  “CPA

Who i am :) ?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Nice to e-meet! Let me introduce myself, I'm Dennis, working in the Netherlands at a CMB (Content mobile billing) company as 1 of the 2 mediabuyers. We are 1 of the largest CMB in the Netherlands/Europe.

Atm we are really bussy taking over the adult niche in advertising. We work with most of the largest publisher networks out there. We are also setting up the mainstream section and we are already working with Google adwords (with cloak :p) and thats working really nice now a days :)

What makes my job great? I dont have a spending cap :D

Feel free to read my signature or add me on LinkedIn :)

Thanks for reading :)

Hi, Dennis and welcome to AffiliateFix!

Just a few days ago, AFix relaunched with new, exciting features after merging with sister site WebsiteFix, and the recently acquired 5 Star Affiliate Programs. Along with a revamped design and improved functionality, for the first time, we are offering additional features and toolkit options that you may want to check out.

We love having new businesses join us! Please note though, that you cannot promote, recruit or solicit to our members (including in your signature) until you apply and get accepted as a verified vendor in our official Resources section. This is not optional. It's fast, free and easy to apply but don't hesitate to let us know if you need help with your application.

You can learn more here: Official - How To Get Your Resource Listed | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

The listing is a really good thing. It gives you an increased trust factor and exposure to more than 70,000 members.

Anytime you have a question, just let us know.

Enjoy the forums, Dennis!
Hi everyone,

Hi @PlayHard , it's great to have you join us. Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Nice to e-meet! Let me introduce myself, I'm Dennis, working in the Netherlands at a CMB (Content mobile billing) company as 1 of the 2 mediabuyers. We are 1 of the largest CMB in the Netherlands/Europe.

Atm we are really bussy taking over the adult niche in advertising. We work with most of the largest publisher networks out there. We are also setting up the mainstream section and we are already working with Google adwords (with cloak :p) and thats working really nice now a days :)

What makes my job great? I dont have a spending cap :D

Feel free to read my signature or add me on LinkedIn :)

Thanks for reading :)

Since you are inviting member to read and follow your signature, this indicates you are looking to do some recruiting here in some fashion. That's cool, but you will need to get your application in to be approved as a vendor in the community, as @azgold has mentioned. It's quick and easy, rarely takes more than a day for completion.

When accepted, you will have three tabs in your profile. One for your primary business description. The second tab for reviews of your business. The third, for on going discussions and promotions.

Alternatively if you wish to advertise on our website, please visit here.

Business Centre - For forging business relationships. Do not over up threads here. You need to be an approved Resource in order to pitch any network related threads here.

Do not spam forums, posts, threads, member profile pages, or our personall messaging system.

You will find that those listed in our Resource Listings do well getting signups by being active in the community and offering actionable information.

Also, it's a good idea to add some info and a logo to your signature once you get your first ten posts.

All other areas of the community are for contributing and responding to threads. Contributing actionable information in appropriate sub forums and helping members is the quickest way to get the attention of the members.

I'm sure you will find we are a friendly and engaging group of marketers and easy to forge relationships with.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Remember to check out the enhanced account upgrades for members and approved vendors here.

See you around the forums.
