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Why Google Gets Gamed (and Why That Won?t Stop)



Why Google Gets Gamed (and Why That Won?t Stop)
by Rob Young, Search Engine Journal

Google is facing a big problem with spam. That?s not a secret. In fact, it?s why Google released a bloodthirsty Panda into the wild to destroy as much spam as was physically (or electronically) possible. However, while some of the worst offenders were removed ? especially when it came to content mills and more blatantly thin sites ? the Panda algorithm update didn?t fix things. Here?s the way one of my Twitter followers so aptly put it: ?Why does every Google search result I come up with redirect me to advertisers??

By advertisers we?re referring to re-sellers of some outside product, subscription, or service. These are typically affiliate groups who get a big bonus (ranging from $15 to $100) when you sign up for something as harmless as a free trial. So, why do these affiliate sites so entirely outrank pages that, you know, actually answer the question? To answer this thoroughly, let?s take a quick trip in Rob?s magical time machine, visiting a time long, long ago: the mid 90s.
