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Why to Analyze AFFINITY Before Running a Facebook Ad


Graham Camp

Facebook is amazing because of the demographics it provides about its users. Theres lots of demographics to consider but in this post I’ll tell you about affinity because I think its so powerful. I’ll give you two examples in two different niches.

Affinity is how likely your audience is to like a given page compared to everyone on Facebook based on the interest you type into the tool.

When you log into Facebook ad manager (do it now), there are 5 tabs - manage ads, account settings, billing, power editor and tools. Go to tools —> Audience Insights. Type in your niche where it says “interests”. There should be 5 tabs - demographics, page likes, etc. Click “page likes” and scroll down. You’ll see there is an affinity section. This is so powerful.

When you target these pages instead of the general audience you eliminate, “likes by association”. You're, "drilling down" into your niche!

Here are two examples

In the interests, type in, “green energy”. You can now see there is whole bunch of pages. Organize the pages by affinity (just by clicking affinity)

I get

Boston weather updates
Mass save


As a rule of thumb, if affinity is higher than 20 it may be a good place to test an ad. (when you set up your ad you would target people who have liked those pages with high affinity) Of course there are tons of green energy products on clickbank that you can promote

Let’s do a bad example. Type in “weight training”. You’ll find that the pages have affinities below 3 . What is happening here is that people post videos of themselves all the time lifting weights on Facebook. People are friends with them and like their videos. These are, “likes by association” which we want to avoid targeting. We don’t want people like that clicking our links. (Youtube might be a better place to run a weight training ad)

To be successful online you need four components. An opt-in page, quality content packed emails, great offers. This is called a sales process. Leveraging the power of the internet your sales process can be automated. The fourth component is traffic

Things get interesting when your ad expenses are less than the revenue you are earning from your sales process as this is what creates automated income! Lets look at some numbers

If you run an ad that costs 30$/day that generates 40$/day, that's 10$/day profit. 10$/day is 300$/month and 3600$/year. After you set this up, you don't have to work for that money and if you can learn to set up just one campaign, you can set up lots of these campaigns. Imagine, over time setting up 50 successful campaigns. Thats 500$/day,
15000$/month and 180 000$/year.

Of course it's going to take some time to get there but people invest 4 years of their life and 80 grand to get college degrees all the time that often don't even lead to jobs. It takes some effort and an investment to get there...

So a micro goal might sound something like this. Write this down,

Micro Goal: In 15 days, I will have one ad campaign that makes 10$/day. I understand that I don't need to know the whole journey, I just need to take the first step."

Macro Goal: In 10 months, i will have 50 ad campaigns that make 10$/day each. I'm committed to my goal and my self-growth journey

The great thing about business is you can try 10 things things and then keep doing the things that work and stop doing the things that don't. if 9 things don't work but 1 thing can keep doing the thing that works and it will over time make you profit and pay for your failed ventures.

It's important to test different demographics. You can test different ages, genders, education levels etc. It's important to test on a low budget. When you find a winner, scale it up. Most millionaires teach that automation and scale are keys to success when making money

Don't forget that when you create advertising the converts for you, your not just earning profit...your building a list of subscribers. When you have built your list you can promote other peoples opt-in pages and in exchange they will promote yours. This creates exponential growth in your business. The list your generating is an asset so even if you just break even with your ad, your still developing an asset.

I'm new to the forum. Thanks for reading my post. I hope it was helpful! I'm new to the forum so please ask a question so I know what the readers of this community want to learn. Thanks again