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Why Your Content is Not as SEO Worthy as You Thought



Why Your Content is Not as SEO Worthy as You Thought
Daily SEO Tip
December 28, 2011

The majority of webmasters welcomed the Panda Update. In their mind it was going to give them the chance, once and for all, to find the success they were looking for. Unfortunately not every website can enjoy the luxury of a first page spot on the SERP?s and many webmasters have become confused by the Panda Updates lack of difference to SEO. The main problem that people have is that they do not fully understand what Google really wants from their content; no one has clearly defined what ?great content? actually means.

Being objective about your content, and not subjective
SEO isn?t about you and your website. It doesn?t revolve around the things you like and things you don?t; instead it?s a cold and mathematical process that can determine your websites worth through a series of indicators. Anyone who is producing content with SEO in mind has to adhere to this principle too. All the content that you write and publish should be checked and double-checked by your industry colleagues. Attaining feedback from your friends may help to increase your confidence but it probably won?t help your SEO prospects. You need an objective and honest opinion on your content from an informed individual who is willing to tell you the truth.
