3 gave me 2 Skypephones to test a few weeks ago, its brilliant, I shall be publishing my finding next week. In the meantime they are doing a competition to win the same phone. Details of how to win below:
All entrants need to do is tell us why they want a 3 Skypephone – and it
can be done however they want as long as it can be linked to. For
example, it could be a blog post, forum thread or simple webpage, a
picture or a set on Flickr (here’s something 3mobilebuzz knocked
together <Flickr: threemobilebuzz's photos tagged with giveaway>), a
link to a YouTube video (can you do better than this
<YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.>) or
even a Facebook group where 100 friends sign up and support the quest
for a 3 Skypephone. The more creative the better.
The only rules are: the content needs to be original, not ripped off an
insignificant YouTuber (we’ll know because you have to tag all your
videos 3mobilebuzzcomp1!), and the URL of the site which brought the
competition to entrants attention needs to be included on the entry
email. The deadline for submissions is midday on Monday 17^th December.
Entries must be sent to the hallowed keeper of prizes, enforcer of rules
and judge of all, Jack@3mobilebuzz.com
All entrants need to do is tell us why they want a 3 Skypephone – and it
can be done however they want as long as it can be linked to. For
example, it could be a blog post, forum thread or simple webpage, a
picture or a set on Flickr (here’s something 3mobilebuzz knocked
together <Flickr: threemobilebuzz's photos tagged with giveaway>), a
link to a YouTube video (can you do better than this
<YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.>) or
even a Facebook group where 100 friends sign up and support the quest
for a 3 Skypephone. The more creative the better.
The only rules are: the content needs to be original, not ripped off an
insignificant YouTuber (we’ll know because you have to tag all your
videos 3mobilebuzzcomp1!), and the URL of the site which brought the
competition to entrants attention needs to be included on the entry
email. The deadline for submissions is midday on Monday 17^th December.
Entries must be sent to the hallowed keeper of prizes, enforcer of rules
and judge of all, Jack@3mobilebuzz.com