According to one of Microsoft's security experts, Windows Vista is Microsofts's golden child.
Microsoft security strategy director Jeffrey R. Jones has published a 23-page document titled "Windows Vista One Year Vulnerability Report" outlining the various security issues seen in Vista over the first year the operating system spent in the wild (follow that link for the PDF). Based on the number of known vulnerabilities announced and the number of patches released for the desktop OS in the past year, Vista gets higher ratings than Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Ubuntu 6.06.
Microsoft security strategy director Jeffrey R. Jones has published a 23-page document titled "Windows Vista One Year Vulnerability Report" outlining the various security issues seen in Vista over the first year the operating system spent in the wild (follow that link for the PDF). Based on the number of known vulnerabilities announced and the number of patches released for the desktop OS in the past year, Vista gets higher ratings than Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.4, Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Ubuntu 6.06.