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Please review my directory

www dot WineInUSA dot com

Will accept other sites under Business category
That is a very good idea for a directory, shame the directory script sucks - unfortunately the script makes you look like a webmaster and something to be avoided. If the site was more customised then it would look more professional than it does.

I'd remove the adsense blocks, it makes you look like a webmaster kid operating a site from their bedroom. Noone wants to see a ton of adsense blocks, it looks nasty and looks like you don't make much from it as you rely so heavily on adsense.

Remove the forum as it will eat up your time and won't bring much more to an already okay idea. Forums attract much spam, but you'll find that out if you aren't already.

You have a lot of competition from established websites like

then are others like wine retailers that operate online wine order sites, some even have their own directories. Still, there is a lack of search in wine industry but you'll need to get it right for this to work. Although wine is popular, it's a very small subject area for a search site, and up against stiff competition including a very famous millionaire called Peter Jones, you could be up against it.

You need significant promotion to stand a chance.