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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

WordPress Plugin & Theme Developer Specializing in Adult Webcam Affiliate Marketing


Top Adult Plugin
Service Manager
Cammixer Adult Webcam Aggregator WordPress Plugin
Earn 50% Commission Selling the Best Adult Webcam Aggregator WordPress Plugin
Hello Everyone!

My name is Chris and I have over 20 years experience in building adult websites. I am also a WordPress plugin & theme developer, with a couple adult-related plugins not found in the WordPress repository.

I'm looking forward to doing some business with other members here at AffiliateFix.

Hi, Chris, welcome to AffiliateFix!

Please be aware that you cannot promote your products, services or company until/unless you are an approved vendor, as per our TOS.

Applying is fast, free and easy and goes through the approval process quickly if you have all the requirements in place before submitting your application.

This link tells you how: Official - How To Get Your Resource Listed

This is the application page:

This is what you must have in place in order to be approved:

If you need help with your submission, just let us know.

Enjoy the forums!
Hi, Chris, welcome to AffiliateFix!

Please be aware that you cannot promote your products, services or company until/unless you are an approved vendor, as per our TOS.

Applying is fast, free and easy and goes through the approval process quickly if you have all the requirements in place before submitting your application.

This link tells you how: Official - How To Get Your Resource Listed

This is the application page:

This is what you must have in place in order to be approved:

If you need help with your submission, just let us know.

Enjoy the forums!
Thank you for the links, azgold!

I just submitted my resource (Cammixer WP plugin) to Programming & Scripts category, which is now awaiting approval.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
I have over 20 posts, but cannot create a new thread as I see the following error:

You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.

I thought I read I need 10 posts to do so?

Edit: Figured out from TJ's post that thread titles cannot have a "/"
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