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Seeking Help Would owning an Exact Match Domain help with Affiliate Marketing?


New Member
I own an Exact Match Domain (EMD) of a product in the beauty niche.

This product is popular on TikTok now and so the search volume and Amazon sales have gone through the roof. Search volume went from 100,000 to 135,000 and then 165,000 the last 2 months. TikTok views on the hashtag are now 278+ million.

Domain gets some type-ins and I believe this would be a great affiliate build.

I'm wondering though with Amazon if it is worth it? They pay 10% for the luxury beauty space, and these products sell between $15 - $25.

I'm thinking of getting a LassoWP subscription and just banging out articles and reviews to try to gain traffic and Amazon affiliate clicks.

Any thoughts, advice, or input?
Is the domain name (or part ot it) trademark? Did you check? Does YOUR ownership and registration pre-date any trademark if there is any?
CPA, CPL, CPI affiliate offers will monetize if they are the right ones.

The obvious is HBA items however the same users (viewers) buy other things also.
Try not to leave too much money on the table but be selective with ads and links --both quality and quality.

What's HBA?
CPA, CPL, CPI affiliate offers will monetize if they are the right ones.

The obvious is HBA items however the same users (viewers) buy other things also.
Try not to leave too much money on the table but be selective with ads and links --both quanity and quality.
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post your stats ;)
the actual referrals to your emd domain
not the number of some seo tools estimation of the global search queries.

Love to see em'
ok have a nice day



I had a slow day --but coming back hard :)

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You could EASILY post your search console stats without disclosing your keywords used or domain name --if you had any on your 'fairy-tale' EMD --
