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WTB Directory Link in paid directories Category.


New Member
If anyone has a directory with a paid directories category, please post the category URL in this thread and I will check to see if I would like to purchase a permanent link on it.

Please make sure that the category is indexed by Google, I would appreciate (and it would save time).

I am looking for $1-$2 directory links and PR3 or better.
I pay via PayPal.

Thank you Temi.
My website submitted.

Title : Elynex Web Directory
URL : Elynex Web Directory : Submit Internet Site.
Description : [SIZE=-1]Seo Friendly Directory, Quality links on the internet[/SIZE].

You can add your link here, its PR2 : Directories*«*Wura - Internet Website Directory*Free and Paid web directory , you have given me excellent discount when I buy links from you so you can have it free :)