I want to sell Presell Pages, Articles, Press Releases on my site.
Site details:
Alexa 130K
15000 indexed pages.
9000 Yahoo linkdomain
Since 2004
Alexa pages per visitor 4.5
It is not a blog.
Many Niches. Mainly programming, seo and web authoring. But in the press releases section you can choose any niche.
Your page will have custom description, title, and keywords.
Firstly one click from home page, then 2 and 3 clicks from home page.
You pay only $20 (once - just one payment) for one permanent page with 3 outgoing links without nofollow attribute.
Announcement of your press release will appear on the main page of the news release section.
There will be no outgoing links except yours.
Your page must have unique content.
Site details:
Alexa 130K
15000 indexed pages.
9000 Yahoo linkdomain
Since 2004
Alexa pages per visitor 4.5
It is not a blog.
Many Niches. Mainly programming, seo and web authoring. But in the press releases section you can choose any niche.
Your page will have custom description, title, and keywords.
Firstly one click from home page, then 2 and 3 clicks from home page.
You pay only $20 (once - just one payment) for one permanent page with 3 outgoing links without nofollow attribute.
Announcement of your press release will appear on the main page of the news release section.
There will be no outgoing links except yours.
Your page must have unique content.