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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate - rip off blog directory?


New Member
If you are promoting your blogs and find yourself at a blogs directory called you just want to skip it, its seem to be run by a scammer.

What first aroused my curiosity about the directory is the fact that you do not pay for inclusion like most genuine web directories buy you donate. I found this a bit odd but I went ahead and added my site blog with the recommended domination of $10 which should also get my site listed on another blogs run by this crock called

To cut long story short, after 4 weeks of waiting for my site to be listed.. I contacted the guy at both his sites but no response, this is when it occurred to me that if you 'donate' for listing, you cannot complain to PayPal to dispute the payment because you have 'donated' it.

So should you be promoting your site and come across the above directory, you want to give it a wide berth or else you will 'donate' to a black hole.