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Your Favorite Promotion Method In 2019?

Ron C

New Member
How do you normally promote your campaigns?
Email marketing
Social media sharing
If you ask me personally then there could not be any one single best method by which I promote my campaigns. All the methods which you have mentioned work together for making a successful promotion strategy. I can brief you by giving an example:
  • Create content that could get you a good amount of organic traffic.
  • The second step is to capture these visitors as leads. For this, you need to analyze your user behavior and create an E-Mail list accordingly.
  • Now you need social media for getting some referral traffic to your site. Also, it will help in increasing brand awareness and visibility.
  • Also, paid promotions such as ads. have their own benefits.
So I can say whether it is 2019 or any year in coming future all these work together for building a successful promotion strategy.
it depends on what am promoting.
I recently focused on facebook ads, and planning to promote in native as well so my business will not get hurt if something happened with facebook.
I putting together a couple of new content sites. It has always been my favorite earning model. Always been the biggest earners for me.
I am going to work on social media more I am getting over 1000 impressions per day at Twittter and hardly trying.


  1. Using crowdfunding
  2. And an affiliate API
  3. Some sort of social media posting referral fees.
I actually promote through blogging and social media sharing. I also believe that YouTube is a great way to promote your campaigns if you do it the right way. You need to find a great influencer to make a video for you if you are just getting started with your channel and have no subscribers or little views.

Besides that, I also prefer to start with free methods then when I make profit from the free methods I use that profit to pay for adverts and other paid methods of promoting campaigns. It's kinda like not the best idea to start out with Paid promotions from scratch unless you are sure it will work. Advice for those getting started.
IMHO Push traffic sources are still on fire
And it is pretty low entry threshold to start earning from this traffic source
I'd recommend you to look deeper into this
i like blogging and youtube these are organic traffic and more converting because the people already searching for it
as a beginner I suggest you to start youtube and blogging then after you gain more experience start advertising
I'm promoting my dating affiliate sites with blogging, Social media and e-mailing my subscribers. Blogging has proven to be the best way for me so far.
I obtain subscribers for my mailing list offering a guide which helps my visitors to achieve what they come to dating websites for :)
Youtube is my favorite promotion method in 2020 .. As you know crona is going on so every one on Youtube :D to learn something and getting world news as well :)