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facebook ads account

  1. jaychou54

    Ask Me Anything I need to sell my facebook ads account

    Mình có vài tài khoản như hình muốn bán. Ai cần tài khoản liên hệ mình qua skype:phamhongduong93
  2. S

    Looking for solution or ideas for FB Ads Ban

    Hello guys, I need help for Facebook because I am going crazy on it. I run a 7x ROI business thanks to FB, business is based on betting (location:italy), i know betting is against FB policy but everything worked well because we built a system for lead generetion which did not talk about betting...
  3. G

    Social Media Account Management Tool

    Hi, Recently I was testing my Facebook account. I want to manage them together. I saw a post on Clonbrowser. It tells how to handle multiple Facebook accounts. I use the tools they recommend. I have configured a static IP address for the browser. And create a Facebook account in the manner...
  4. parveenk2013

    How can I increase my FB Ads daily spend limit?

    Hey everyone, I'd like to know how can I increase my FB ads daily spent limit? Right now it's only $50 per day for the new account, Is there any way to increase it faster? Or how long does FB takes to increase it? I want to scale my campaigns and it's becoming an issue. Any alternate solution...

    How to customize the Facebook pixel

    It's hard to imagine a situation where an affiliate who works with Facebook doesn't use a social network pixel. What is a pixel, why is it needed and how to set it up, we will tell in the article below. What is Facebook Pixel A pixel is a special code that collects information about visitors...

    Ask Me Anything How to Scale Up Facebook Campaigns with Blackhat Offers in 2019

    How to Scale Up Facebook Campaigns with Blackhat Offers in 2019 Forget seeing other Facebook campaigns flop and learn the ins and outs of how to scale up Facebook campaigns with blackhat offers in 2019. Taking advantage of the limitless possibilities of the advertising platform of Facebook can...
  7. L


    Hello guys! I am Linh, I have senior advertising account from google and facebook - Processing time is faster, approving ads easier - Reach is higher than the personal accounts - High trust level to Facebook - Unlimited to spend money - Good for blackhat, cloaking, traffic, affiliate, news, skin...
  8. marttoom

    Getting a banned FB Ad account back

    Hi, I've been recently getting banned more and more often by Facebook. This seems to happen now even when running compliant offers. It used to be that a simple appeal fixed it, but doesn't seem to be that easy anymore. Found this really good recommendation from a FB Ads group for a guide how to...
  9. velvetrose4392

    Make money cooperation

    I have many facebook accounts. But I do not know how to use cloaking, and blacklist products I am willing to work together to make money contact me thank you
  10. benyouni

    facebook give me a coupoun

    Hi brothers i creat a page on facebook in order to share some information about how to use services that website provide then when i creat a post on.... facebook provide me a coupoun of 30 dollars does mean i will success
  11. David Mali

    $900 From 7 days FB ad !

    Someone sent me a message 8 days ago and he was asking me to create a FB Ad for his new hand made necklaces (he found me on a facebook group) for arts and crafts he has a store and just want to get things going and sell he's product so i created a facebook ad for him for 7 days a $15 a day...
  12. SY Abuzar

    Affiliate Marketing Friendly Advertising companies

    Hello guys? We all know that there are numbers of amazing Advertising companies but the problem is some of them are Affiliate Marketing Friendly and some not. For instance, ******Bing advert permits to direct linking to the affiliate offer (sales page...) ### but Google and facebook adverts...
  13. wairdus

    Big Russian Journey into FB & Adwords

    Hi. Decided to start this follow along to make more disipline to my affiliate-work. First about me: I'm from Russia, 27yo, about 4 years in affiliate marketing, but my experience with Facebook just about 7000-8000$ total, principally Instagram ads (i dont know why, just think it's more easier...
  14. Martin.Smallboss

    Very happy to meet AFF-fix

    I come from China, the early 90's young artists. Occasionally, met this forum Aff-Fix, very happy. Here are the knowledge I need and can help my forum friends. Of course, I will do my best to use my experience to help the needy forum friends. I am familiar with SEO technology, and have 5 years...
  15. Vidmantas V

    Facebook ad account

    Hi guys, My situation: I have used my facebook account, my wife account and few more to run facebook ad's on blackhat method a while back. Now all of these accounts are suspended from creating ad's and if I try to add my bank card on a new ad's account it get's suspended aswell. Any idea how to...
  16. Mia.lasermedia

    looking for the best traffic & Help you with FB ad accounts banning issue

    Greetings to Affiliatefixers! Laser Media is a CPA network that focuses on high payouts, various verticals offers. We have 500+ offers and 50+ GEOs. We are aiming at helping our affiliates to use skillful method to run their campaigns successfully. ATM we have helped 30+ (33 to be exact)...
  17. margo09

    Can anyone help?

    Dear Marketers, I'm having a hard time trying to convince Facebook to allow me to advertise on his platform. I have my Facebook account now that's been blocked 2 years ago from posting ads because I financed an Ad using a stolen credit card (Didn't know about that until it was too late). Now I...
  18. J

    Best niches to promote in FB ads with unlimited accounts creation method

    Hi people this is my first thread. I know How we can make unlimited FB Ads accounts. This accounts can run perfectly blackhat cpa campaigns but I dont have time to test and my best roi is only 20% + so far...¿what kind of niches do you recommend to promote?
  19. Benrefaat

    Pin Submit Offers and facebook problem

    Hey Affiliates How can I promote pin submit offers on facebook without problems? I know that facebook want me to write in the landing page copy that this service cost! But when I think about it, The conversion rate will be very low. What can I do to solve this problem? and what super...
  20. Tianyah

    familiar with FB ads campaigns

    I am familiar with FB ads campaigns, and I am working with a team, we have abundant *removed*, we have staff monitoring *removed*, we charge small money each time.