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how i get free hosting

Free hosting are there but in most cases, they have some rules and regulations that you will be needed to follow strictly. You can as well go through this forum and come to the discounts and offers that the members give and be lucky to walk away with a better deal. You however need to be careful that you get the reliable service providers who will not disappoint you.
Free hosting is not usually a good idea, at all! Often, websites go down with free hosts, something you do not want to happen, especially when you're pushing traffic to your site. Also, if I'm not mistaken, they have limitations that could be a big problem for you. And let's not forget about the slow server speed.

I definitely don't recommend using a free host.
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Any specific server location? Your server location must be close to the target location of your audience.
Free web hosting is just waste of time. There is no guarantee with free hosting. Your website and data get deleted or vanished without any warning and you cannot do anything. So, always go with paid and reliable hosting company.
forget Free hosting .
they are not good at all.
go with cheap hosting instead of free hosting, like what @amar478 said.
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Free hosting are there but in most cases, they have some rules and regulations that you will be needed to follow strictly. You can as well go through this forum and come to the discounts and offers that the members give and be lucky to walk away with a better deal. You however need to be careful that you get the reliable service providers who will not disappoint you.
I strongly agree with the above statements about free hosting. I participate in a few web hosting forums and mostly you hear of horror stories of people losing data and overcrowded servers going down with little support when lost website. As mentioned cheap hosting would be the next best thing but can often be on overcrowded servers and not get results you want, especially with high traffic sites.

I recently posted a thread about affiliate programs my company is initiating with our hosting services and I included a special offer for AF members to earn free hosting by joining our programs. Basically get free hosting for a year for VPS or dedicated servers when you send 10 customers plus your 50% commission for all sales generated. Unfortunately we don't have affiliate program in place to do this with our shared hosting site-bestnet, but I could probably negotiate something like 4 dedicated server customers and get free shared hosting or one dedicated and 4 VPS customers(flexible). Would be a viable option for good affiliates to earn free quality hosting where you wouldn't experience those issues mentioned. If anyone is interested, message me for more details.
If you need HTML fully configure web hosting along with domain. Then you can try

They are working since 8-10 years.