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Recommending something or making predictions is a slippery slope because very few things are ever guaranteed, no matter how well-thought-out your ideas may be. Still, we here at RollerAds try to stay ahead of the curve, which is precisely the reason why we’ve done some preliminary research into what the brightest minds of the affiliate marketing world have to say about where we’ll be in 2022.

We do acknowledge that our industry is borderline mercurial since it’s so dependent on the ebb and flow of a number of factors. For instance: who could have possibly predicted that affiliate marketing would become prominent enough for it to reach mainstream status?

Down below, you will find ideas and thoughts that will assist your growth. Based on these ideas, you can formulate your own set of recommendations for the best ways to make a profit in affiliate marketing in the coming years.

Center Focus on Social Media

Based on multiple sources, the most significant trends for affiliate marketing will remain centered on social media, with TikTok as one of the best emerging tools for affiliate marketers as people are already showing tremendous interest in the video platform.

Many experts agree that the platform will continue to gain in popularity, especially as it offers some unique opportunities for marketers. It’s suspected that a decade of Facebook dominance is nearing its end and that social media is about to experience a major shift. The ability to work closely with TikTok influencers is also vital in shaping the future of social media-based affiliate marketing.

Data Based and Personalized Approach

Another prominent trend that will push affiliate marketing forward is a data-based approach. It’s considered that major brands will keep on investing in data science as they become increasingly interested in dissecting the figures and forecasting the future. AI-based machine learning is going to be a huge focus for marketers over the next few years.

Thanks to the more and more personalized experience, the affiliate marketing industry will find new ways to influence consumer behavior, these will include the further incorporation of personal touch, increased ease of payments, and more.

The Tendency for Automation

Many predict that the tendency for automation will become even more evident. More and more established big-money players are entering the e-commerce scene to widen their reach and make more money. They will definitely rely on their marketing strategies to assist them. The number of offers available to marketers will resume increasing in a major way in the upcoming months.

Training in-house chat bots and auto-responders is a wise strategy for any company, for marketers who want to stay ahead of the game, there’s also the fact that Internet-based commerce will continue to evolve thanks to the expanded availability of the Internet.

CPA to Remain Everybody’s Go-To + Push Traffic

The CPA model will remain everybody’s go-to. This model creates a win-win scenario for every party involved in the long run. It helps guarantee a significant ROI and it allows companies to achieve their financial goals through various means.

The notion that push traffic will NOT become less and less relevant. The hard data says that push notifications are top converters still and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Shifts in Cookie and Privacy Policies

There can be a significant change in how people will be doing their online marketing in 2023. Given some data, it’s possible to extrapolate that the landscape of this particular business endeavor will change significantly. The metamorphoses will occur due to the significant shifts in cookie policies.

Apple’s Safari browser already took a step in the direction of blocking third-party cookies. Google is anticipated to follow suit and from there on out, it becomes difficult to predict just how fast these alterations will annihilate the tracking. With the possible end of cookies, harsher privacy policy changes, and developments towards monopolization of the market, an improved, adjusted approach will still yield positive results.

But even given the setbacks, changes, and permanent difficulties, the future outlook is great. After all, online marketing is the future. Like it showed many a time in the past, it’s willing to adapt and come up with brand-new ways of reaching new heights.

Alternative Traffic Sources

The output of alternative traffic sources is going to grow exponentially. There’s a belief that a major shift is coming soon that’s going to even out the competitive landscape. People will turn their attention away from T1 platforms and towards ones that offer better conversion. In other words, if you have your foot on the ground and are finding success with alternate traffic sources, then you’ve got an advantage over your competitors.

T1 platforms such as Facebook and Google won’t ever simply perish, but they will be relegated to a secondary source of traffic. With a generation that has a much shorter attention span, it makes sense to utilize video platforms to appeal to people. TikTok and Snapchat are being cited as two of the most prominent video platforms that are in hot demand.

Cryptocurrency Offers on the Rise

The last thing to note is that cryptocurrency offers will claim the number one spot. With more and more individuals learning about the upsides of using crypto, the market is expanding. This affiliate marketing vertical shows incredible potential.


We did say that any attempt to tell the future (even if it’s the future of trends) and/or recommendations are always up for interpretation, so please don’t judge too harshly on these ideas and predictions. Just consider what they have to say, act upon it, and live to tell the tale.

Whatever the future holds, join RollerAds and we’ll try to make sure that whatever the trend, it’s your friend!