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Gold As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

This is my first post here, and spending 5 mins here showed me that this is a very respectable forum. Many thanks for everyone especially T J Tutor.

straight into the topic point :

  • I feel like I'm lost in an ocean with no direction to go, I do not have an action plan and I cant outline one due to the lack of knowledge of the things that I don't know which I can miss.
  • Tracking is complicated and knowing about it is holding me down, I don't have a website and the hosting stuff and installing/creating the landing pages are also holding me down.
Okay, let's change the perspective you have. In this way we can get you to see things in a more orderly fashion which will enable you to enter into this field of marketing with proper choices.

Instead of telling yourself that you are confused, take a moment to reorient your thoughts to see that you have a an abundance of great opportunities. Once you complete a few small, but necessary steps, you can begin to narrow your choices for your entry point.

Your first task is to define your daily, weekly, and monthly budget. In addition, you must define a schedule for the work and research required by your new business.

Next is to orient yourself with the rudiments (basics) of the industry. You will do this by reading through the Wiki here in this forum and becoming oriented with the buzz words, definitions, etc.

Once you have these tasks completed, you can then begin researching the various sub forums here. Read through the sub forums in the General Affiliate Marketing area. There are 13 sub forums here that will help you get a good grasp on what these various areas consist of, what they are about.

Once you have your budget, your schedule, and have selected your initial area of interest (Mobile, PPC, Incentive, Lead Gen, etc.), you can then begin to read everything about the field of your initial area of interest. Read as many threads each day as you can in the particular sub forum related to your initial area of interest and remember to start your own threads with questions you don't find answers to.

Now, with all of this, you will have yourself on a path and with a beginners plan (budget, schedule, and interest). Without doing this first, you will likely never take action. Implementing each of these elements, and following through, will continually refine each of them which puts your success in capable hands.

This is a business, the companies you will work with are businesses and expect professional and business minded and planned behavior from you. Everyone here, and all of the companies you will work with, will help you all along your journey as long as they see you are building a business with the right elements.

It is important, very important, that you stay on one narrow track of this business until you become successful with it. Do not jump around, stick with it until you succeed with it, then, and only then, will you be ready to tackle another field.

As for buying any training, don't go buying anything at this time. Stick with the folks in this forum. Build relationships here by starting threads, posting questions and results. There are plenty of experts here for what you need to accomplish first, which is develop your initial success(s).

Good Fortune on Your Journey @michael962003
Thanks very much for your post. I will make a plan of action and start reading the sub-forums. Off to planning my assault on this path to success. Thanks again!
Great to see you in the forum Ayman!

I feel like I'm lost in an ocean with no direction to go, I do not have an action plan and I cant outline one due to the lack of knowledge of the things that I don't know which I can miss.

The first thing as a Newbie Ayman is to keep everything simple. Everyone, and truly everyone, first sees all of the possibilities and thousands of choices. The next common error is to call it confusion. I've stated to many before, if you walked into a library, you see unlimited knowledge. Orient your thoughts in this same fashion here in this forum. Here you have unlimited knowledge and the librarians here are all of us as members looking to help one another select and implement the appropriate information.

Your responsibility in starting this new business is to learn the basics. An intern recently assigned to a hospital is not going to be asked to perform an "articulated brain stem surgery". Interns are there to learn. You are here to learn. Set your initial sites on learning to earn. You must study the Wiki in our forum so that you have a firm grasp of the areas of marketing, the tools required, and the tools available for specific fields of this business.

You say you are lost in an ocean. I say you are at a carnival and you are deciding which game to perfect first. Remember, most any expert in a given field is not an expert in every field. You first must orient yourself with all of the definitions and buzz words in our Wiki. Then read through the areas of marketing in our sub forums and select one with which to begin. Then select some networks to apply to and ask for help getting approved. Remember, networks really love a business oriented person, so have your ducks in a row so the networks know you are serious about being professional. This means getting a DBA and a business checking account, IMO. You should never mix personal money with your business money.

Having a business (your DBA (Doing Business As ($25 where I live))), a business checking account, a field selected (CPA, PPC, Lead Gen, etc.), you are then ready to start educating yourself about a vertical, a tracking solution, traffic source, hosting, making (or having made) LP's and such. Remember, all of us, at every level, are having to learn new things daily. Every day! It never stops, consider your education as a mind expansion program that never ends. When you do this, you become far more effective every day. It's part of this business. Nothing stays the same very long.

Tracking is complicated and knowing about it is holding me down, I don't have a website and the hosting stuff and installing/creating the landing pages are also holding me down.

You have several unorganized thoughts here.
1. Tracking
2. Being held down
3. Web sites and hosting
4. Being held down (again)

Honestly, you have an issue with perspective. You mention being held down twice. This forum is a place of opportunity. There is no one holding you down in any way in this place. If anything, this forum teaches you to embrace freedom. If you are suggesting you are faced with challenges, then I agree. We all face new challenges and old challenges every day of the week. That's part of being in business. Don't complain about it, embrace it, rejoice in it. Be thankful you have a business with limitless opportunities. Feel fortunate!

As a note, let me interject here something that seems to escape so many Newbies. This is a business, not a hobby. There are no hobbyists in this business. Don't cop the attitude that you can succeed in this business in a casual and lackadaisical fashion. I know there are an abundance of product sellers out there telling everyone that will listen that you can make a hundred dollars a day with no investment and no skills if you just buy there $7 eBook. Just stop believing that bull crap. It isn't true, none of it. Now, consider this. A doctor goes to school 8 to 12 years to become a physician. In todays market, they may get as much as $250k their first year after graduating. If you do exactly what I told you above, You would most likely be able to accomplish that with a 3 or 4 year period (conservatively). This is a reality that can be confirmed every day of the week. My point is, stop believing the bullshit, quit looking for overnight success, plan on working everyday on a schedule, have a business plan, a daily plan of action, have time every day to study new material, have business money separated from personal funds and create a monthly budget and stick to it.

Remember, the number one cause of no success is the lack of a plan. A lack of a plan and a lack of a schedule means you are not obligating yourself to take action. When you don't take action, you blame everyone but yourself for not succeeding.

1. Learn the basics of the business in our Wiki
2. Read through the sub forums to find an area of interest
3. Apply to 2 or 3 networks
4. Get a VPS, a PayPal account, a DBA, a Business Checking Account
5. Develop a plan of action
6. Remember that all of the answers you seek along this journey can be found in this forum just by asking. If you don't see the answer you seek, then open a new thread in an appropriate sub forum and ask the question. You need to be active in the forum and that means opening new threads, posting to others threads, building relationships here. All of this will help you get to where you need to be in no time at all.

Great to see you in the forum Ayman!

The first thing as a Newbie Ayman is to keep everything simple. Everyone, and truly everyone, first sees all of the possibilities and thousands of choices. The next common error is to call it confusion. I've stated to many before, if you walked into a library, you see unlimited knowledge. Orient your thoughts in this same fashion here in this forum. Here you have unlimited knowledge and the librarians here are all of us as members looking to help one another select and implement the appropriate information.

Your responsibility in starting this new business is to learn the basics. An intern recently assigned to a hospital is not going to be asked to perform an "articulated brain stem surgery". Interns are there to learn. You are here to learn. Set your initial sites on learning to earn. You must study the Wiki in our forum so that you have a firm grasp of the areas of marketing, the tools required, and the tools available for specific fields of this business.

You say you are lost in an ocean. I say you are at a carnival and you are deciding which game to perfect first. Remember, most any expert in a given field is not an expert in every field. You first must orient yourself with all of the definitions and buzz words in our Wiki. Then read through the areas of marketing in our sub forums and select one with which to begin. Then select some networks to apply to and ask for help getting approved. Remember, networks really love a business oriented person, so have your ducks in a row so the networks know you are serious about being professional. This means getting a DBA and a business checking account, IMO. You should never mix personal money with your business money.

Having a business (your DBA (Doing Business As ($25 where I live))), a business checking account, a field selected (CPA, PPC, Lead Gen, etc.), you are then ready to start educating yourself about a vertical, a tracking solution, traffic source, hosting, making (or having made) LP's and such. Remember, all of us, at every level, are having to learn new things daily. Every day! It never stops, consider your education as a mind expansion program that never ends. When you do this, you become far more effective every day. It's part of this business. Nothing stays the same very long.

You have several unorganized thoughts here.
1. Tracking
2. Being held down
3. Web sites and hosting
4. Being held down (again)

Honestly, you have an issue with perspective. You mention being held down twice. This forum is a place of opportunity. There is no one holding you down in any way in this place. If anything, this forum teaches you to embrace freedom. If you are suggesting you are faced with challenges, then I agree. We all face new challenges and old challenges every day of the week. That's part of being in business. Don't complain about it, embrace it, rejoice in it. Be thankful you have a business with limitless opportunities. Feel fortunate!

As a note, let me interject here something that seems to escape so many Newbies. This is a business, not a hobby. There are no hobbyists in this business. Don't cop the attitude that you can succeed in this business in a casual and lackadaisical fashion. I know there are an abundance of product sellers out there telling everyone that will listen that you can make a hundred dollars a day with no investment and no skills if you just buy there $7 eBook. Just stop believing that bull crap. It isn't true, none of it. Now, consider this. A doctor goes to school 8 to 12 years to become a physician. In todays market, they may get as much as $250k their first year after graduating. If you do exactly what I told you above, You would most likely be able to accomplish that with a 3 or 4 year period (conservatively). This is a reality that can be confirmed every day of the week. My point is, stop believing the bullshit, quit looking for overnight success, plan on working everyday on a schedule, have a business plan, a daily plan of action, have time every day to study new material, have business money separated from personal funds and create a monthly budget and stick to it.

Remember, the number one cause of no success is the lack of a plan. A lack of a plan and a lack of a schedule means you are not obligating yourself to take action. When you don't take action, you blame everyone but yourself for not succeeding.

1. Learn the basics of the business in our Wiki
2. Read through the sub forums to find an area of interest
3. Apply to 2 or 3 networks
4. Get a VPS, a PayPal account, a DBA, a Business Checking Account
5. Develop a plan of action
6. Remember that all of the answers you seek along this journey can be found in this forum just by asking. If you don't see the answer you seek, then open a new thread in an appropriate sub forum and ask the question. You need to be active in the forum and that means opening new threads, posting to others threads, building relationships here. All of this will help you get to where you need to be in no time at all.


T J you are the best, I'm very thankful and appreciated for the time you took to read and write to me :) I will read and re-read again your inputs and apply .. Thanks A lot :)
To be successful at anything, you have to put in the work. There is not real right way to do online marketing,. there are so many avenues to go down and it doesn't matter which one you choose because they all have their merits and they can all work.
Hi for me i feel i have just over loaded on information and although i want to get started i really just don't know where to start.
Great thread!
Hi for me i feel i have just over loaded on information and although i want to get started i really just don't know where to start.
Great thread!

OK @youngs18 , here is what I recommend. You are a blank canvas. This is great! Someone so new to this can truly make everything come together in a relatively short time if you follow these simple steps I'll list below. THIS WORKS!

1. Read our Wiki , print it out if you can. get a clip board for the Wiki so you can write your notes in the margins. Get to know the contents by reading it several times and start visiting the various sub forums here that relate to each topic. This will help prime you for selecting your initial path into the industry. You said you didn't know where to start, this is where you start. You must get a handle on the industry jargon and this is the best way to make that happen.

2. Next, start asking questions in the sub forums, create your own new threads and post to existing threads. This gets you acquainted with the forum and its members. This is a very important because when the members of the forum see you being active and pro-active they will know you are serious about your new business and everyone will do everything they can to help you get to your goals.

3. Organization! You must be organized. Get a file made in MS Word or similar and create section headings for various things. I call mine SECURITY. It's a word doc. I simply enter every thing that requires a username and password.An example would be Facebook. Under Facebook I have my account information with sub categories for personal account information, ad account information, apps, etc. As you mature in your business, this document will have all pertinent account information for every account you have. You will need to create excel documents later to keep a history of things like campaigns and campaign history. Organization is a must.

4. Business Plan. Begin to formulate your business plan. It will be very simple at first. It will change and grow over time. It's supposed to. Your plan grows over time and adds new directions as well as new features. Just remember that a plan is how you get to your goals every time. Your initial plan is going to start out very simple. You need to choose one vertical, one tracking system, and one traffic source. You will work with these three until you master them. Don't worry, you will do this in a couple of months at most as long as you put in the daily effort and follow the steps I have outlined above. After a couple of months you will then be ready to expand and there are many ways to do this. Your approach will be the same. I recommend expanding by adding one more vertical and one more traffic source, keep using the same tracker for a while.

This is how you get started without being consumed by information overload. By the way, information overload is most likely confusion. As I have told many, if you walked into a library, you don't tell yourself you have information overload, you usually think which books do i want to see first. If you get on Google, you look for something specific. This is the actual situation your experiencing. Consider this forum your library, the members your fellow students and handful of professors here and there. You collaborate with the students, and the professors, and they help you build your business.

Read the Wiki, get active in the forum, develop a plan and begin to implement it. You'll be on your way to the successes you seek.
OK @youngs18 , here is what I recommend. You are a blank canvas. This is great! Someone so new to this can truly make everything come together in a relatively short time if you follow these simple steps I'll list below. THIS WORKS!

1. Read our Wiki , print it out if you can. get a clip board for the Wiki so you can write your notes in the margins. Get to know the contents by reading it several times and start visiting the various sub forums here that relate to each topic. This will help prime you for selecting your initial path into the industry. You said you didn't know where to start, this is where you start. You must get a handle on the industry jargon and this is the best way to make that happen.

2. Next, start asking questions in the sub forums, create your own new threads and post to existing threads. This gets you acquainted with the forum and its members. This is a very important because when the members of the forum see you being active and pro-active they will know you are serious about your new business and everyone will do everything they can to help you get to your goals.

3. Organization! You must be organized. Get a file made in MS Word or similar and create section headings for various things. I call mine SECURITY. It's a word doc. I simply enter every thing that requires a username and password.An example would be Facebook. Under Facebook I have my account information with sub categories for personal account information, ad account information, apps, etc. As you mature in your business, this document will have all pertinent account information for every account you have. You will need to create excel documents later to keep a history of things like campaigns and campaign history. Organization is a must.

4. Business Plan. Begin to formulate your business plan. It will be very simple at first. It will change and grow over time. It's supposed to. Your plan grows over time and adds new directions as well as new features. Just remember that a plan is how you get to your goals every time. Your initial plan is going to start out very simple. You need to choose one vertical, one tracking system, and one traffic source. You will work with these three until you master them. Don't worry, you will do this in a couple of months at most as long as you put in the daily effort and follow the steps I have outlined above. After a couple of months you will then be ready to expand and there are many ways to do this. Your approach will be the same. I recommend expanding by adding one more vertical and one more traffic source, keep using the same tracker for a while.

This is how you get started without being consumed by information overload. By the way, information overload is most likely confusion. As I have told many, if you walked into a library, you don't tell yourself you have information overload, you usually think which books do i want to see first. If you get on Google, you look for something specific. This is the actual situation your experiencing. Consider this forum your library, the members your fellow students and handful of professors here and there. You collaborate with the students, and the professors, and they help you build your business.

Read the Wiki, get active in the forum, develop a plan and begin to implement it. You'll be on your way to the successes you seek.
Hi many thanks for the information and your time i will do as you advise and get back to you once again many thanks.
This is the longest thread I've read from beginning to end, word by word. And I strongly agree with all the fears that hold newbies to get started. It also happened to me, up to this day.

One thing that always hold me to start is the fear of losing my money. It's so scary to lose all the money, with no certainty of return. Although I understand that the money I spend in the beginning is to buy the data.

However, this thread is very motivating and adds my confidence to stay focused: one vertical, one tracking system, and one traffic source, until I master it.

Thanks TJ

I suggest some Dale Carnegie, Zig Ziglar, John H. Patterson, David Ogilvy, Joe Girard (I spent a lot of time with Joe in the '70's when I was in the car business), Larry Ellison, Napoleon Barragan, and maybe even a dash of Mary Kay!

BTW I really liked the story of Joe Girard in becoming the world's greatest retail salesman. His books really inspired me to become an entrepreneur, and teaches a lot about the art of selling.
This is the longest thread I've read from beginning to end, word by word. And I strongly agree with all the fears that hold newbies to get started. It also happened to me, up to this day.

One thing that always hold me to start is the fear of losing my money. It's so scary to lose all the money, with no certainty of return. Although I understand that the money I spend in the beginning is to buy the data.

However, this thread is very motivating and adds my confidence to stay focused: one vertical, one tracking system, and one traffic source, until I master it.

Thanks TJ

BTW I really liked the story of Joe Girard in becoming the world's greatest retail salesman. His books really inspired me to become an entrepreneur, and teaches a lot about the art of selling.

I love Joe Girard (actually Joseph Samuel Gerard), I was a student of his in the '70's. I worked one on one with Joe in the Denver CO area for many years. He ran a Sales Retreat every year there and I earned a bunch of #1 gold pins from Joe. Much of my written thoughts come from Joe, Napoleon Hill, and Dale Carnegie.

I'm happy to know you read this thread. I am happier to know you will follow the necessary simple beginning strategy to form the foundation of your new business to build on.

Keep moving forward and enjoy the ride ahead!

For me it's every thing that I've read so far in " What's stopping you from.. ". Pretty accurate. I've spent over 60 hrs in the last 3 weeks reading stuff, buying stuff, looking at videos etc, only to find myself not much farther then when I started. We have an idea, we do research, we look at who ranks on the appropriate pages and feel that we'll never be able to outrank big sites that have been there forever. At least that's how I feel. And also for me there's the time factor that is a major issue. Success ( make a modest living ) has to happen within 12-16 months. I can live from my savings for the next year but after that....and I see that everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it ( which is logical ). Lack of confidence? Thrust ? Faith? In some ways, I guess so. I'm willing to invest money and time ( 40-50 hrs a week ). Afraid to fail? Absolutely. I would be devastated to find myself 12 months from now and having to find another job. I'm glad I found this forum.
Thank you all.
For me it's every thing that I've read so far in " What's stopping you from.. ". Pretty accurate.

Yes, it demonstrates that most everyone has the same or similar initial experiences when entering a new field of business. It isn't unique to this business. This part of the purpose of this thread, to demonstrate that we all have the same or similar experiences when approaching business.

I've spent over 60 hrs in the last 3 weeks reading stuff, buying stuff, looking at videos etc, only to find myself not much farther then when I started.

Don't feel bad or abused for this part of your experience. We've all been there. All you need is the attentive help of the forum members here on the FIX. Most of us will tell you you don't need to be buying any training materials at this stage of your business. There are many good training materials, but purchasing any of them at this time would be imprudent. Get to know the facets of this industry you will enjoy before spending any money on them. The members here are all you need for the moment.

We have an idea, we do research, we look at who ranks on the appropriate pages and feel that we'll never be able to outrank big sites that have been there forever. At least that's how I feel.

First of all, take your feelings out of the picture entirely. Business isn't about personal feelings at all. On the other hand, when you remove "feelings" from the scenario, your "gut instincts" in business will begin to develop. Never try to embrace both at the same time, never in business is "feelings" a strength.

As far as thinking you can never succeed beyond the gorillas in business is very self defeating. I can identify many dozens of big successes in business that have been knocked off their respective feet and buried by the little guys. The gorillas aside, you need to know that this industry is still in it's infancy and the room for growth and success for newbies (and everyone else in the industry) is far larger than the space currently occupies. There are newbies right here in this forum that have gone from nothing to something in just a few weeks, some a few months. Don't focus on the size of your competitors. Focus on your success, period!

And also for me there's the time factor that is a major issue. Success ( make a modest living ) has to happen within 12-16 months. I can live from my savings for the next year but after that....and I see that everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it ( which is logical ).

Time Factor
Make a plan for your business with goals inside the time frame. Each goal must have specific "complete by" dates. Create a budget for your business. Stick to your plan, budget, and goals. They will change, but you will still have a plan, budget and goals. They grow and change as your business grows and changes. They are a must, an absolute must.

You state that "everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it". NOT TRUE!!! This is total and complete self defeating bullshit! If you are telling yourself this is true, then it will manifest in that way for you. There are plenty of marketers in this forum that have grown a successful business in weeks, some in months, and there are some that took years. Anyone that takes years in this business is not using a plan, not using a budget, and not putting in the serious effort that it takes to build a business.

Lack of confidence? Thrust ? Faith? In some ways, I guess so.

You are waffling. You are currently a waffler. Here is why I say that, because you state "I guess so". There is no guessing in this game. Get a hold of yourself, you need to establish "conviction" as a pillar in your life. You must learn to and know how to immediately decide to implement a conviction when necessary. This is how every business person makes decisions and stick to them.

I'm willing to invest money and time ( 40-50 hrs a week ).

Set your budget and schedule. All businesses have budgets and schedules.

Afraid to fail? Absolutely. I would be devastated to find myself 12 months from now and having to find another job.

If you are going to start building your new business from a position of fear, then don't bother starting a business because you will be doomed from the start.

You can find hundreds upon hundreds of mindset data on the net and I defy you to find just one that says its okay to start or operate your business from a position of fear.

You need to spend some time adjusting your mindset to a position of confidence.

As far as failing, get use to failures. I have them everyday of the week. So do all of the marketers everywhere. It's part of the business. We all have failures that lead to our successes. If you aren't having failures, then you aren't tying new things. Learning includes both success and failure. Edison failed over 10,000 times before he succeeded with the light bulb. He didn't stop!

I'm glad I found this forum.
Thank you all.

Let me identify a few things here that you definitely require (we all require at first).

1. Read the Wiki here in the forum.
2. Get involved in the various sub forums here on the FIX and ask questions, lots of them. Questions that will help you find the area of this industry where you want to start.
3. Once you have an area of this trade, select a tracking solution using the same process.
4. Select a vertical using the same process above.
5. Join a couple networks, no more for now.
6. Build a plan.
7. Build a budget.
8. Build a schedule for attending to your business.

At first you should use only one vertical, one traffic source, and one tracking solution. Learn to master them before expanding on any of them. Properly done, this should take no more than a couple of months and possibly 3 or 4 weeks if you have the capacity.


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I have no money to experiment. Just got 50$ to start. As they say "money attracts money" , its very difficult to start because you know you need to invest on adverts but can't afford for that. So lack of initial funds is the main thing stopping me.

I appreciate the situation, but I don't have freebie advice for you for the following reason. I have never known anyone in this industry that truly made it by only using free resources. I have read the stories, seen the videos, but in the end, none of them really made it to the top with free resources. At the top of the list is free traffic. It is by far the worst traffic on the planet. Free websites are full of other companies advertising, logos, pop ups and unders, etc. The list goes on.

You are starting an online business that requires a VPS, domains, paid traffic, etc. You can get very cheap versions of these to start, but I don't know anyone that can drive the quality traffic they require for conversions with completely free traffic. Nor can a free web site with free hosting accommodate the volume of traffic one requires to get traction in this business. ( I can hear the YouTubers out there screaming at me right this second).

Every business on the planet requires an investment of some sort. I recommend you get a few hundred bucks together to start your business. You can make it work with that if you work smart. I have found that a couple thousand will put you on the map quickly if you follow the rules of the road.

There are a number of folks here in the forum that talk about making money without a web site, I have done it myself. I even posted a formula here on the forum some time back that I know works, but I still had to pay for the traffic to get the conversions.

I wish I had a money machine to help newbies, but even then I think I would have to buy myself an island before I started giving it away.

Even though you don't have money at the moment, the one thing you can do is learn. You can learn an abundance without a penny right here in this forum while saving your money to get your new business up and running.

I wish you great success Anup, as do I for all the newbies here on the FIX!

Yes, it demonstrates that most everyone has the same or similar initial experiences when entering a new field of business. It isn't unique to this business. This part of the purpose of this thread, to demonstrate that we all have the same or similar experiences when approaching business.

Don't feel bad or abused for this part of your experience. We've all been there. All you need is the attentive help of the forum members here on the FIX. Most of us will tell you you don't need to be buying any training materials at this stage of your business. There are many good training materials, but purchasing any of them at this time would be imprudent. Get to know the facets of this industry you will enjoy before spending any money on them. The members here are all you need for the moment.

First of all, take your feelings out of the picture entirely. Business isn't about personal feelings at all. On the other hand, when you remove "feelings" from the scenario, your "gut instincts" in business will begin to develop. Never try to embrace both at the same time, never in business is "feelings" a strength.

As far as thinking you can never succeed beyond the gorillas in business is very self defeating. I can identify many dozens of big successes in business that have been knocked off their respective feet and buried by the little guys. The gorillas aside, you need to know that this industry is still in it's infancy and the room for growth and success for newbies (and everyone else in the industry) is far larger than the space currently occupies. There are newbies right here in this forum that have gone from nothing to something in just a few weeks, some a few months. Don't focus on the size of your competitors. Focus on your success, period!

Time Factor
Make a plan for your business with goals inside the time frame. Each goal must have specific "complete by" dates. Create a budget for your business. Stick to your plan, budget, and goals. They will change, but you will still have a plan, budget and goals. They grow and change as your business grows and changes. They are a must, an absolute must.

You state that "everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it". NOT TRUE!!! This is total and complete self defeating bullshit! If you are telling yourself this is true, then it will manifest in that way for you. There are plenty of marketers in this forum that have grown a successful business in weeks, some in months, and there are some that took years. Anyone that takes years in this business is not using a plan, not using a budget, and not putting in the serious effort that it takes to build a business.

You are waffling. You are currently a waffler. Here is why I say that, because you state "I guess so". There is no guessing in this game. Get a hold of yourself, you need to establish "conviction" as a pillar in your life. You must learn to and know how to immediately decide to implement a conviction when necessary. This is how every business person makes decisions and stick to them.

Set your budget and schedule. All businesses have budgets and schedules.

If you are going to start building your new business from a position of fear, then don't bother starting a business because you will be doomed from the start.

You can find hundreds upon hundreds of mindset data on the net and I defy you to find just one that says its okay to start or operate your business from a position of fear.

You need to spend some time adjusting your mindset to a position of confidence.

As far as failing, get use to failures. I have them everyday of the week. So do all of the marketers everywhere. It's part of the business. We all have failures that lead to our successes. If you aren't having failures, then you aren't tying new things. Learning includes both success and failure. Edison failed over 10,000 times before he succeeded with the light bulb. He didn't stop!

Let me identify a few things here that you definitely require (we all require at first).

1. Read the Wiki here in the forum.
2. Get involved in the various sub forums here on the FIX and ask questions, lots of them. Questions that will help you find the area of this industry where you want to start.
3. Once you have an area of this trade, select a tracking solution using the same process.
4. Select a vertical using the same process above.
5. Join a couple networks, no more for now.
6. Build a plan.
7. Build a budget.
8. Build a schedule for attending to your business.

At first you should use only one vertical, one traffic source, and one tracking solution. Learn to master them before expanding on any of them. Properly done, this should take no more than a couple of months and possibly 3 or 4 weeks if you have the capacity.


Yes, it demonstrates that most everyone has the same or similar initial experiences when entering a new field of business. It isn't unique to this business. This part of the purpose of this thread, to demonstrate that we all have the same or similar experiences when approaching business.

Don't feel bad or abused for this part of your experience. We've all been there. All you need is the attentive help of the forum members here on the FIX. Most of us will tell you you don't need to be buying any training materials at this stage of your business. There are many good training materials, but purchasing any of them at this time would be imprudent. Get to know the facets of this industry you will enjoy before spending any money on them. The members here are all you need for the moment.

First of all, take your feelings out of the picture entirely. Business isn't about personal feelings at all. On the other hand, when you remove "feelings" from the scenario, your "gut instincts" in business will begin to develop. Never try to embrace both at the same time, never in business is "feelings" a strength.

As far as thinking you can never succeed beyond the gorillas in business is very self defeating. I can identify many dozens of big successes in business that have been knocked off their respective feet and buried by the little guys. The gorillas aside, you need to know that this industry is still in it's infancy and the room for growth and success for newbies (and everyone else in the industry) is far larger than the space currently occupies. There are newbies right here in this forum that have gone from nothing to something in just a few weeks, some a few months. Don't focus on the size of your competitors. Focus on your success, period!

Time Factor
Make a plan for your business with goals inside the time frame. Each goal must have specific "complete by" dates. Create a budget for your business. Stick to your plan, budget, and goals. They will change, but you will still have a plan, budget and goals. They grow and change as your business grows and changes. They are a must, an absolute must.

You state that "everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it". NOT TRUE!!! This is total and complete self defeating bullshit! If you are telling yourself this is true, then it will manifest in that way for you. There are plenty of marketers in this forum that have grown a successful business in weeks, some in months, and there are some that took years. Anyone that takes years in this business is not using a plan, not using a budget, and not putting in the serious effort that it takes to build a business.

You are waffling. You are currently a waffler. Here is why I say that, because you state "I guess so". There is no guessing in this game. Get a hold of yourself, you need to establish "conviction" as a pillar in your life. You must learn to and know how to immediately decide to implement a conviction when necessary. This is how every business person makes decisions and stick to them.

Set your budget and schedule. All businesses have budgets and schedules.

If you are going to start building your new business from a position of fear, then don't bother starting a business because you will be doomed from the start.

You can find hundreds upon hundreds of mindset data on the net and I defy you to find just one that says its okay to start or operate your business from a position of fear.

You need to spend some time adjusting your mindset to a position of confidence.

As far as failing, get use to failures. I have them everyday of the week. So do all of the marketers everywhere. It's part of the business. We all have failures that lead to our successes. If you aren't having failures, then you aren't tying new things. Learning includes both success and failure. Edison failed over 10,000 times before he succeeded with the light bulb. He didn't stop!

Let me identify a few things here that you definitely require (we all require at first).

1. Read the Wiki here in the forum.
2. Get involved in the various sub forums here on the FIX and ask questions, lots of them. Questions that will help you find the area of this industry where you want to start.
3. Once you have an area of this trade, select a tracking solution using the same process.
4. Select a vertical using the same process above.
5. Join a couple networks, no more for now.
6. Build a plan.
7. Build a budget.
8. Build a schedule for attending to your business.

At first you should use only one vertical, one traffic source, and one tracking solution. Learn to master them before expanding on any of them. Properly done, this should take no more than a couple of months and possibly 3 or 4 weeks if you have the capacity.


Yes, it demonstrates that most everyone has the same or similar initial experiences when entering a new field of business. It isn't unique to this business. This part of the purpose of this thread, to demonstrate that we all have the same or similar experiences when approaching business.

Don't feel bad or abused for this part of your experience. We've all been there. All you need is the attentive help of the forum members here on the FIX. Most of us will tell you you don't need to be buying any training materials at this stage of your business. There are many good training materials, but purchasing any of them at this time would be imprudent. Get to know the facets of this industry you will enjoy before spending any money on them. The members here are all you need for the moment.

First of all, take your feelings out of the picture entirely. Business isn't about personal feelings at all. On the other hand, when you remove "feelings" from the scenario, your "gut instincts" in business will begin to develop. Never try to embrace both at the same time, never in business is "feelings" a strength.

As far as thinking you can never succeed beyond the gorillas in business is very self defeating. I can identify many dozens of big successes in business that have been knocked off their respective feet and buried by the little guys. The gorillas aside, you need to know that this industry is still in it's infancy and the room for growth and success for newbies (and everyone else in the industry) is far larger than the space currently occupies. There are newbies right here in this forum that have gone from nothing to something in just a few weeks, some a few months. Don't focus on the size of your competitors. Focus on your success, period!

Time Factor
Make a plan for your business with goals inside the time frame. Each goal must have specific "complete by" dates. Create a budget for your business. Stick to your plan, budget, and goals. They will change, but you will still have a plan, budget and goals. They grow and change as your business grows and changes. They are a must, an absolute must.

You state that "everyone that succeeded in internet marketing has spent years of trials and errors before making it". NOT TRUE!!! This is total and complete self defeating bullshit! If you are telling yourself this is true, then it will manifest in that way for you. There are plenty of marketers in this forum that have grown a successful business in weeks, some in months, and there are some that took years. Anyone that takes years in this business is not using a plan, not using a budget, and not putting in the serious effort that it takes to build a business.

You are waffling. You are currently a waffler. Here is why I say that, because you state "I guess so". There is no guessing in this game. Get a hold of yourself, you need to establish "conviction" as a pillar in your life. You must learn to and know how to immediately decide to implement a conviction when necessary. This is how every business person makes decisions and stick to them.

Set your budget and schedule. All businesses have budgets and schedules.

If you are going to start building your new business from a position of fear, then don't bother starting a business because you will be doomed from the start.

You can find hundreds upon hundreds of mindset data on the net and I defy you to find just one that says its okay to start or operate your business from a position of fear.

You need to spend some time adjusting your mindset to a position of confidence.

As far as failing, get use to failures. I have them everyday of the week. So do all of the marketers everywhere. It's part of the business. We all have failures that lead to our successes. If you aren't having failures, then you aren't tying new things. Learning includes both success and failure. Edison failed over 10,000 times before he succeeded with the light bulb. He didn't stop!

Let me identify a few things here that you definitely require (we all require at first).

1. Read the Wiki here in the forum.
2. Get involved in the various sub forums here on the FIX and ask questions, lots of them. Questions that will help you find the area of this industry where you want to start.
3. Once you have an area of this trade, select a tracking solution using the same process.
4. Select a vertical using the same process above.
5. Join a couple networks, no more for now.
6. Build a plan.
7. Build a budget.
8. Build a schedule for attending to your business.

At first you should use only one vertical, one traffic source, and one tracking solution. Learn to master them before expanding on any of them. Properly done, this should take no more than a couple of months and possibly 3 or 4 weeks if you have the capacity.


Thanks a million TJ. I needed ( and deserved ) that!! And you're 100% right. No business plan and a self defeating attitude is a sure recipe for failure. I'll follow your advice and from now on, push forward with a daily plan. This is what I should have done from the start. You're the best!!
I appreciate the situation, but I don't have freebie advice for you for the following reason. I have never known anyone in this industry that truly made it by only using free resources. I have read the stories, seen the videos, but in the end, none of them really made it to the top with free resources. At the top of the list is free traffic. It is by far the worst traffic on the planet. Free websites are full of other companies advertising, logos, pop ups and unders, etc. The list goes on.

You are starting an online business that requires a VPS, domains, paid traffic, etc. You can get very cheap versions of these to start, but I don't know anyone that can drive the quality traffic they require for conversions with completely free traffic. Nor can a free web site with free hosting accommodate the volume of traffic one requires to get traction in this business. ( I can hear the YouTubers out there screaming at me right this second).

Every business on the planet requires an investment of some sort. I recommend you get a few hundred bucks together to start your business. You can make it work with that if you work smart. I have found that a couple thousand will put you on the map quickly if you follow the rules of the road.

There are a number of folks here in the forum that talk about making money without a web site, I have done it myself. I even posted a formula here on the forum some time back that I know works, but I still had to pay for the traffic to get the conversions.

I wish I had a money machine to help newbies, but even then I think I would have to buy myself an island before I started giving it away.

Even though you don't have money at the moment, the one thing you can do is learn. You can learn an abundance without a penny right here in this forum while saving your money to get your new business up and running.

I wish you great success Anup, as do I for all the newbies here on the FIX!


Thanks TJ, I am thankful that i found this forum.