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@Mr.Z Looks like you are doing all of your homework. Pretty cool to see the path you are following so far. I'm impressed with how systematically you are approaching your goal. I believe you are going to make it.

At some point maybe you could give us a review of the traffic immersion course?

$5k/month isn't all that crazy, as a bit of math proves. Something I remember Frank Kern saying is break the numbers down.

To make the math easy, 6,000 divided by 30 = 200 per day. So you get 5 campaigns earning 40 bucks a day in profit within 10 months and you have reached your goal. That gives you two months to work on getting each campaign to earn you 40 dollars per day in profit.

ROI = (revenue - cost) divided by cost. So, 0.50 = (X - 40)/40 is your required daily budget per campaign. With a bit of algebra, 0.5 times 40 = X - 40. With some more algebra, we get 20 = X - 40. A bit more math gets us X = 40 + 20. And, the answer is 60. Your daily ad spend would be 60 bucks or $420 per week.

As long as you can get your CPA network to pay you on a weekly basis, you will be able to manage your cash flow with the $500 you have budgeted.

Looking forward to hearing about your success!
He can send me good traffic and it will be weekly :D haha!

I keep learning and I'll be doing the same next week, then post another major update probably at the end of next week. There's tons of stuff to learn and I keep discovering MOBILE IMMERSION area and learning new things, tips, tricks and secrets every day and I want to do whole course, go through it from start to the end and do notes/docs with condensed knowledge in the process. Sure I could focus on learning about sweepstakes for example and nothing else and finish the learning process much sooner, BUT my plan is to get knowledge about pretty much everything in mobile CPA marketing and THEN focus on some more targeted area of that topic.

I will probably spend about 6 weeks on learning and preparation and from then on focus on practical part: running campaigns (FINALLY! :D). That's my plan at the moment.
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Great Plan.. You gonna rock it bro. I wish i could also start a journey ASAP. But due to lack of tools and lack of knowledge my progress is too slow. Hope best for you bro. :)
Great Plan.. You gonna rock it bro. I wish i could also start a journey ASAP. But due to lack of tools and lack of knowledge my progress is too slow. Hope best for you bro. :)
Thanks @Dreamchaser. I had no knowledge at all about affiliate marketing before started this journey. Maybe you have not much time and you can spend 1 hour daily. Then I'd suggest to learn that 1h per day and spend more over the weekend, dedicate 10,15,20,25h, whatever per week and accomplish that no matter what. It's neither easy nor fast process, it's about dedication and consistency, you will progress slower or faster, but you will progress and learn what you need to learn, no matter if it's gonna take 2 weeks or 2 months. Also, you don't have to use paid tools, but search for free alternatives.
Thanks @Dreamchaser. I had no knowledge at all about affiliate marketing before started this journey. Maybe you have not much time and you can spend 1 hour daily. Then I'd suggest to learn that 1h per day and spend more over the weekend, dedicate 10,15,20,25h, whatever per week and accomplish that no matter what. It's neither easy nor fast process, it's about dedication and consistency, you will progress slower or faster, but you will progress and learn what you need to learn, no matter if it's gonna take 2 weeks or 2 months. Also, you don't have to use paid tools, but search for free alternatives.

Excellent point you're making. There's always a way and we are only limited by the excuses we give ourselves.
Why are you using periods instead of commas in 4-figure digits?
Don't know, I always do that, unfortunately this is not standardized and many countries use periods to separate thousands and commas for decimals (see Decimal mark - Wikipedia), but you're probably right, I should use other way round as most english speaking countries do commas for thousands and periods for decimals. It might be confusing for some people, so I'll try to change my habit :) Thanks.

Edit: Sorry, it is standardized and international format is space for thousands and period for decimals, like this:
1 234 567.89 (SI style (English version)) according to the Wikipedia, however, most countries still use their own format.
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It's getting interesting with the Indian System (Indian numbering system - Wikipedia): 12,34,567.89 :D
Yeah, Chinese system is not any better: 123,4567.89, pretty confusing for the rest of the world :)
P.S. If you're wondering, I'm not from India, I'm located in Europe, spent last 10 years in UK.

Howsoever - wish you 1 234 567,89 bucks asap [in my writing].
LOL, thanks @Marc, but for now I dream about breaking even with my campaigns (that I haven't started yet) :D
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LOL, Chinese system is not any better: 123,4567.89, pretty confusing for the rest of the world.
Maybe that's the reason why they have 10 times more people than the rest of the world, but they don't even notice it :eek::confused:

P.S. If you're wondering, I'm not from India, I'm located in Europe, spent last 9 years in UK.
And for the case you're wondering, I'm even located in the center of the old continent. Every time there is a dense fog on the Channel, the English newspapers write: The Continent is isolated :D
Maybe that's the reason why they have 10 times more people than the rest of the world, but they don't even notice it :eek::confused:
Who knows ;)

And for the case you're wondering, I'm even located in the center of the old continent. Every time there is a dense fog on the Channel, the English newspapers write: The Continent is isolated :D
LOL, I heard that :)
Remember, there's Great Britain AND Europe, as Brits say ;) (It's kinda funny term for people from mainland Europe).
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Great thread @Mr.Z - I just read the entire thing and signed up to most of the tools you recommend, excluding the Mobile Immersion course although I'm pretty sure I'll be signing up in the next few days. If you PM me your affiliate link I'll purchase through there.

I started working on all of this around a week ago and have been putting in +14 hour days (Yesterday I went from around 9 am till 5.30 am. Not ideal or sustainable, just so much to read).

I've been experimenting with a bunch of different of different traffic sources/trackers/offers and I really like the stack you've put together. I've spent around $150 on traffic acquisition and another $250 or so on training materials and tools and have "made" just under $2 but have learnt a LOT along the way.

I have also worked more on the tech side of things in the past as Agile Coach/Product Owner but looking to become a little more independent/flexible with my lifestyle.

Please keep the updates coming, out of all the forums and threads that I've read over the past week it's the one I've enjoyed the most and has me feeling really inspired. I'm hoping to follow you in parallel. Perhaps we could get an accountability partnership going and share/support each other on this journey? I'm thinking like a skype chat window + 30 min call a week or something like that. If you feel it's not a good fit for what your'e working on right now NP!