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Take your GMAIL invitation!!!!--FREE--



Anyone who make 5 or more post in the forum will receive an invitation to use GMAIL!

PS: as at today 2nd of September 2004 we have only 2 Gmail invites left, grab one now before its all gone
Hello Radu,
If you want a gmail invite let Ovi know, I will ask him to send you an invite

Thanks I would love to have Gmail, but there is a problem....

I dont know what it is :oops:

Forgive me for not being up to date but Id love to know what we are talking about.

Shoot me an invite at
gmail is just Google answer to Hotmail and Yahoo mail etc, it boast of 1GB storage so that you do not have to delete old email and other gimmicks like that. Its not ready for the public just yet but a few "selected" users are invited to test it so a black market started on Gmail invitation but UK Webmaster world is pleased to arrange an IV for distinguished forum members like you if you want to test Gmail.

Gmail offer ends sept 5th

Dear Members,
The Gmail invite offer ends on the above date, if anyone still wants it please let be know on or before that date

You are welcome Radu,
I wonder what you will store in the 1 GB storage space that comes with it :)

since i am a dial-up user... i don't think that i will use the 1Gb space to it's full capacity.. but .. who knows :D. maybe i'l get by mistakes some source code from Microsoft :D
that would be fun
so.. if anybody needs Gmail invitations. i can provide a couple of them too :D now that i have my brand new Gmail account

p.s: Temi what's the word on that forum skin we were talking about. Now that i have some free time i can make it look good.. please mail it to me at