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what's different about SEO for "news sites"?


New Member
how does Google distinguish a blog post about a current event from a site that "reports on news"?

I ask this because Google features a major distinguish between "web results" and "news results" prominently (so it must be important). For any given keyword.. is it easier to rank in "web" vs "news"?

do you need to structure the site different for it to be considered a news site in terms of hierarchy?
Be an accredited journalist I would guess. e.g; have a press pass or could qualify to get one <news outlet

The blogsphere is more a source of questionably credible or strongly biased opinions masquerading as news.

Some news outlets are slanted or biased too.

For instance; The UK Daily Mail is maybe 2/3 true at best IMHO. The lines of creditability are rather blurred today. We live in a world where many believe Facebook posts are WORD! (true). Google is regulating commercial speech (under US law 1st Amendment limitations) so they can act as editors of the content they present.
Google is not that smart ...
They gave added Tweets too.
If you go into the
Full coverage
Be an accredited journalist I would guess.

Let me change that to be an unbiased, if that is even possible, source.

In other news: Alex Jones YouTube, Facebook, and Apple’s ban on Alex Jones, explained
has been banned all over :D