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Choosing Instagram Account Type: Business Or Creator


Active Member
I want to promote affiliate offers on Instagram. I've been reading about the differences between business and creator accounts. But I still don't know which one I should select. Do you guys have any recommendations?
Aren't 'business accounts' about PAID ADS?

'Creators' are about whoring out their talents and time in exchange for traffic --Meta Slaves (more or less) :D
The two types of accounts are very similar and even Instagram is having an abundance of support overflow as a result of new signups trying to decide.

Essentially, if you're new business, a fledgling business, an individual, an unestablished brand or company, go with the Creator account and convert later. Otherwise, if you are an established brand or influencer with an established audience and cash flow, go with the business version.
The two types of accounts are very similar and even Instagram is having an abundance of support overflow as a result of new signups trying to decide.

Essentially, if you're new business, a fledgling business, an individual, an unestablished brand or company, go with the Creator account and convert later. Otherwise, if you are an established brand or influencer with an established audience and cash flow, go with the business version.
Thanks for confirming it, and I will choose Creator account. This is a relatively brand-new account, so I haven't had an established audience yet.
When it comes to promoting affiliate offers on Instagram, both business and creator accounts have their perks. Business accounts offer analytics and ad management features, while creator accounts provide access to additional tools like branded content partnerships. Personally, I'd lean towards a business account for the analytics and advertising capabilities. As for dealing with online threats like sextortion on Instagram, I recently found helpful tips at How To Report Sextortion on Instagram - Complete Guide. It's always good to be informed and prepared for any challenges that may arise. Good luck with your affiliate promotions.
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