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  • azgold
    Hi, Jigisha. I get an error on that page, too. It's a page of search results but I don't know for what, I'm afraid. Use the magnifying glass on the upper right of the forums page then redo the search. That's probably the best and fastest way. Let me know if that works for you.
    Canadian Thanksgiving coming up this weekend! Happy Turkey Day to all my fellow Canucks!
    Haha, thanks, Marc! I'll open it up and stick it in the oven....mmmm! Bet it goes great with cranberries and Sangria. ;)
    Starting home today from the last leg of my vacation journey. Will be back online later tonight (July 2) or tomorrow.
    Hi azgold! GoWide is looking for CPI incent/non-incent traffic. Please contact me, if interested ;)
    I'm away from the computer June 19th-23rd inclusive.
    Should I like it or not?
    On the one hand we have a free house,
    on the other hand we will miss our First Lady!
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    Reactions: azgold
    "On the one hand we have a free house,"
    LOL, hope you enjoyed it. :)

    "on the other hand we will miss our First Lady!"
    Thank-you, Sir Spaminator!
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    Reactions: Marc
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