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Recent content by RyanH

  1. RyanH

    My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

    !Update! - ??? Hey everyone! I know it's been over a week since I posted an update. I just wanted to let you know that I'm making some major overhauls to my loans campaign. Basically, I'm gutting it and rearranging a lot of things. Why? Here were some of my concerns... Problems Bing...
  2. RyanH

    Im New Here and I Need Help Getting Into Peerfly or maxbounty

    Apply to five networks, be honest with them about everything. Let them know you're just starting out but you've read X number of books, gone through X amount of courses and have read X amount of blogs. Let them know what strategy you want to implement and what kind of traffic sources you'll be...
  3. RyanH

    Offer(s) that got you a lot of money

    The simple answer is to find a way to compress four times what he's doing now into one week. If his traffic source can support that and if his offer isn't capped. Bottom line? Reduce expenses and/ or increase net profits. Also, if the issue is time, them find a way to translate what he does...
  4. RyanH

    (help) Script To Hide Traffic And Keyword From Network

    Why would you be sharing campaign info with the owner of the offer anyway?
  5. RyanH

    Payout Bump

    Thank you for this!
  6. RyanH

    FIRST $100/DAY

    HYFR BRO!!!!!!!
  7. RyanH

    My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

    Yep, you called it. So thanks guys. I really appreciate it. Really. I have some thoughts rolling around in my head... Let's talk S.T.R.A.T.E.G.Y The offer I'm currently promoting has a $44.00 payout per lead. All things being equal from the last update, if I opt to run with a $70+ ppl...
  8. RyanH

    My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

    !Update! - 8 Yesterday's Stats - 4/13/17 Today's Stats - 4/14/17 Today marks the first day my campaign went green (judging by today's revenue minus today's spend). I made a NET PROFIT of $57.28. For a detailed report of my overall campaign from a birds eye perspective, peep the stats...
  9. RyanH

    Bing Dating Journey

    I was 301 redirecting the tracking link using a built in shortener (.Php document from cpvlab) so it was a clean link. ;) Like I said, this was what I originally did. Using the tracking template now.
  10. RyanH

    Bing Dating Journey

    Right? Unfortunately, when I was direct linking early on, this was something that stopped my campaign. The URL mismatch. Then again, come to think of it...I wasn't using the tracking template back then. Instead I had my tracking link in the final URL. :eek:
  11. RyanH

    Bing Dating Journey

    Right, but I'm assuming the OP is tracking. If so, then with direct linking the URLs will probably be different.
  12. RyanH

    Bing Dating Journey

    Careful with direct linking. You're putting your account at risk. It's not a question of "if" they'll catch you. It's a question of "when". Granted I don't have any experience with the dating vertical, judging by your keywords and match type, I think you're setting yourself up to bid on the...
  13. RyanH

    Minimum $$$ to enter the business?

    TJ is right. You remind me a lot of myself before I first took the plunge. Here's a question I posed a few months back on YouTube, and the reply from the super affiliate at whom it was directed. It put things in perspective for me. So I gave the middle finger to my amygdala (fear center) and...
  14. RyanH

    My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

    Thanks bro! But I only spent $206. I made $132 in revenue, which leaves me with a net loss of $74. Giant improvement for sure but I still spent waaay too much! I gotta bring my CPC down. ;)
  15. RyanH

    My Journey to $200.00 /day Bing PPC

    !Update! - 7 Made a major change to my campaign yesterday. Feel like an idiot for not thinking of doing it sooner. Anyway, microcommitments are definitely the way to go if the offer payout involves your traffic giving up seriously personal information. Thing is, I KNEW training had...