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Bing Dating Journey


New Member
Dating is a huge niche, and one that can be scaled to many traffic sources.
The Offer
This offer was Sensual Match. I have switched offers a few times and found different offers that convert well at different times depending on what the offer page looks like. Sometimes an offer will change it's page and it will kill conversions. I like to focus on lead based offers around $2-$7 payout range.

Direct Link or LP?

The original form of this campaign was a very basic 1 page landing page. Bing has gotten really strict and for some reason right now it's easier to direct link. That's both good and bad since landing pages can really increase conversions, but direct linking is often easier.


This is what's going to make or break this campaign. This has been mentioned before in PPC lessons but on Bing you need to target REALLY broad. Forget longtail keywords or trying to think outside the box...go for the most obvious keywords possible. Here is a sampling of my keywords;


and I also try to sneak in offer related keywords like;

sensual match
be naughty

but those don't always get through, and if they do...they don't always stay approved.
Good luck on your journey.

In your experience, what sort of conversion rate do you get with dating offers?

I've noticed that dating offers usually want a very specific demographic such as people 30+ or they are niche specific. Either that or the EPC is very low. That seems to make it hard to succeed with a dating campaign using PPC.
Dating is a huge niche, and one that can be scaled to many traffic sources.
The Offer
This offer was Sensual Match. I have switched offers a few times and found different offers that convert well at different times depending on what the offer page looks like. Sometimes an offer will change it's page and it will kill conversions. I like to focus on lead based offers around $2-$7 payout range.

Direct Link or LP?

The original form of this campaign was a very basic 1 page landing page. Bing has gotten really strict and for some reason right now it's easier to direct link. That's both good and bad since landing pages can really increase conversions, but direct linking is often easier.


This is what's going to make or break this campaign. This has been mentioned before in PPC lessons but on Bing you need to target REALLY broad. Forget longtail keywords or trying to think outside the box...go for the most obvious keywords possible. Here is a sampling of my keywords;


and I also try to sneak in offer related keywords like;

sensual match
be naughty

but those don't always get through, and if they do...they don't always stay approved.

Careful with direct linking. You're putting your account at risk. It's not a question of "if" they'll catch you. It's a question of "when".

Granted I don't have any experience with the dating vertical, judging by your keywords and match type, I think you're setting yourself up to bid on the entire English dictionary.

Have you done any spying? See what keywords your offer and competitors are using -> copy them and go broad. Let that run for two or three days then cut your keywords down to your top performers and switch them to phrase type.

Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Careful with direct linking. You're putting your account at risk. It's not a question of "if" they'll catch you. It's a question of "when".

Granted I don't have any experience with the dating vertical, judging by your keywords and match type, I think you're setting yourself up to bid on the entire English dictionary.

Have you done any spying? See what keywords your offer and competitors are using -> copy them and go broad. Let that run for two or three days then cut your keywords down to your top performers and switch them to phrase type.

Just a suggestion. Good luck!

Direct linking is okay as long as the display URL matches the URL of the landing page. Also, the landing page cannot have an auto-play video or entry/exit pop-up.
Direct linking is okay as long as the display URL matches the URL of the landing page. Also, the landing page cannot have an auto-play video or entry/exit pop-up.

Right, but I'm assuming the OP is tracking. If so, then with direct linking the URLs will probably be different.
Right? Unfortunately, when I was direct linking early on, this was something that stopped my campaign. The URL mismatch.

Then again, come to think of it...I wasn't using the tracking template back then. Instead I had my tracking link in the final URL. :eek:

Were you using expanded text ads or regular text ads?

When using an expanded text ad, it shows the display URL automatically instead of you entering it manually. So if your final URL is a tracking link then it shows that as the display URL instead of the URL that the visitor lands on.
Were you using expanded text ads or regular text ads?

When using an expanded text ad, it shows the display URL automatically instead of you entering it manually. So if your final URL is a tracking link then it shows that as the display URL instead of the URL that the visitor lands on.

I was 301 redirecting the tracking link using a built in shortener (.Php document from cpvlab) so it was a clean link. ;)

Like I said, this was what I originally did. Using the tracking template now.

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