I wouldn't say it's necessary to have an exact SOS sequence and to send it separately, but it's definitely useful to make some kind of urgency in emails so that people see what they are missing if they don't purchase some product or hire some service. But, you can do that in all emails that you...
Hi, welcome to the community. Can you share more details about what are you dealing with currently so that we can see if we would have some good opportunities there? As it is really not enough to just say it, we need to see some proofs.
Thanks for sharing these insights and details about what good AM should do, this is actually useful for all of us that have account managers in our team, as it can serve as some kind of a guideline for checking their performances. As I imagine you know it yourself, it is not always easy to get...
There are actually a lot of different tools that you could use for this purpose and you can even test more of them at once as that will definitely allow you to obtain more precise and accurate insights. You have free tools that are pretty decent like Google Keywords Planner or KWFinder with...
Hi, can you maybe share more details about what you are looking for exactly, as I didn't manage to get too much information just from this? It's always a good idea to share more info if you are expecting people to contacting you directly.
From my perspective, WordPress is definitely one of the best CMS that exist currently, which doesn't mean it's perfect, it only points out that other platforms are not even that good as they still lack some important features. WordPress has the best optimization by far and most quality plugins...
You should look more closely inside of the metrics to see in which part you are lacking results, do you have a low rate of reach, impression, do you lack in getting clicks, or all this together isn't working properly. You maybe should narrow down your niches and stick to two of them only. It...
These suggestions are good and they are all true, but the more interesting part here would be to explain how it's possible to achieve some things like to urge readers to reply or to make catchy subject lines. People will be urged to reply only if we make some kind of an emergency for them in our...
Hi Yulia and welcome to the community, I'm always glad to see new members joining each day. Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? Are you currently working as a blogger on YouTube? Maybe you could share some interesting details about that journey. :)
Although many people think that Facebook is dead and that it doesn't provide good results anymore, from my personal experience this isn't exactly true and there are great potentials here for using paid campaigns, but only if they have proceeded properly and if we do thorough research before we...
Now that almost two years have passed since the beginning of the pandemic, we almost forgot that it was present, since now we have a new world crisis, unfortunately. But I recall that during pandemics I used extent work as a surviving mode as it really helped me go through the lockdown which was...
Hi, welcome to the community. I am not a YouTube blogger myself, but this topic really seems interesting to me and that's why I jumped into this thread to see what you're writing about. I didn't figure out earlier that the lengths of a YouTube playlist can have a significant role but now that I...
I think it could definitely be an interesting approach so you should give it a go, to be honest, you don't have anything to lose, and insights can be pretty valuable. But, for this method to be successful and provide you with quality feedback, you first need to make a good selection of companies...
Thanks for sharing this list, it's always extremely helpful to have everything gathered in one place and to be able to follow different suggestions. I also think that rising alternative traffic sources and increasing restrictions on existing Google ads will definitely influence changing the...
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