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OWNR Wallet

OWNR Wallet


If you’ve become the lucky owner of a Facebook ad credit, congratulations!

To use it, you need to:

1. Make sure that you have admin permissions. If you don’t, ask your account admin for them.
2. Open a "payment settings".
3. In the Payment Methods section, click "Add a payment method".
4. Choose your GEO, currency ➡️ "Save".
5. In the Add payment method section, open the "Ad credit" ➡️ Next.
6. Enter the coupon code (16-digit alphanumeric) ➡️ "Claim". The ad credit is activated, now your advertising will be paid for by it.

You can view your balance or expiry date in the payment settings ➡️ "Ad credits".

❗️Note: the ad credit is not applied to expenses before activation and after the funds are exhausted. In order not to spend money beyond the ad credit, set a cost limit in the account equal to its balance.
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You can get an ad credit if:

1. You are unsatisfied with the results of any advertising campaign. For example, you set registrations as a goal, and the ad account shows 20 registrations, but there were none at all.

2. There were improvements or tests of accounts during advertising campaigns. This may lead to unexpected changes, for example, incorrect display of number of views.

3. You get a bug/error.

In all these cases, write to technical support. In case of bugs, be sure to provide a video recording of your steps, and what kind of error. The support agent will repeat your actions, and if the error is real, you'll get an ad credit.

Pre-do troubleshooting: clear the cache and cookies, repeat the steps in another browser / private browsing / device / wireless Internet access – also record this in a video message.

In the next post, we will tell you how to use a Facebook ad credits.

Disclaimer: Not a recommendation for investment
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Push traffic is an advertising format that is used by a lot of webmasters, but some do not even undertake it. Today we want to tell you about the pros and cons of push-notifications and why it's still worth paying attention to them.
Now people have learned to skillfully avoid advertising: they close it, block it, buy premium-accounts — the so-called banner blindness has developed. And many marketers are considering more and more new strategies for promoting their products. But why reinvent the wheel when it has already been invented?
Just in the role of this wheel push-traffic acts. It copes with the task sometimes better than other advertising formats, because it is more noticeable.

What does it look like?​

It is easy to understand that push notifications originated from the usual, familiar notification, respectively, they look about the same.
They have a title and a line with descriptive text. A small icon on the left that combines the title and text into one block. Plus, there is a bigger picture.

However, they are depicted differently on different devices. On a mobile phone, push comes without a big picture, but on the desktop it appears completely:

Such features must be taken into account for the arbitrage of push-traffic, so before launching a campaign, you need to clarify which traffic is more in the affiliate program. In OWNR Wallet, the traffic is approximately level on the PC and mobile.

How and where do they work?​

When a user visits the site, he is shown an offer to subscribe to notifications. He can accept or reject the offer. In case of consent, the user gets into the push-database, advertising push messages start coming to him.
The cool thing is that now you can subscribe to the web push from any device: PC, mobile (both iOS and Android), pad.

What are the advantages?​

  • Bypassing banner blindness. Push notifications have almost 100% visibility, appearing on top of all other notifications on the mobile phone and on the right of the desktop screen.
  • Loyal content policy. If you are a publisher, and you are sick of cloaking, this is the solution for you. After all, unlike FB or Google Adds, they allow you to advertise even "gray" offers without problems. Minimum of obstacles and bans, maximum profit.
  • Real users. Push ads come to real people who have subscribed to them. There are simply no other ways to become an addressee. But even if the owners of the website decided to cheat bots, you will quickly find out about it, since advertising networks are well-equipped with tools for checking traffic.
  • High CTR. This is largely due to the fact that push addressees are very loyal – they signed up themselves to get these notifications.

The algorithm for successfully generating traffic with push-notifications​

  1. Divide the campaign into mobile and computer – at least it will be easier to optimize.
  2. Launch a campaign with at least 5 creatives. This works not only with push, because in order to find a suitable one, you need to try.
  3. Pay more attention to the push icon and texts than to the big picture. We recommend changing them for a quality test or if there is a drawdown.
  4. Set a daily budget. We don't want to drain all the money, do we?
  5. Make a postback setup, this is necessary for accurate optimization.
  6. Create a schedule or set the number of push appearance (for example, at 11:00 and 18:00 / 2 per day).
  7. Test the GEO from where the most traffic flows to the offer (you can see the list of the most convertable GEO in OWNR Wallet).
  8. Don't forget to adjust the language and creatives to different regions. If you have one creative for the UK, China and Germany, it's bad.
  9. Use the Target CPA algorithm. It automatically compiles black and whitelists and microbidding so that the campaign falls within the desired conversion cost.
  10. Don't be afraid to change even well-placed creatives. This is the only way your skill will grow, and advertising will always be on top.
Do you use such an advertising format? Share your experience in the comments.

Few people would argue that the Asian cryptocurrency market is very different from the rest. Many publishers have difficulties at the language level, which even Google Translator cannot cope with. It continues with rather specific creatives, which, apparently, only Asians can understand.

However, this is not a reason to underestimate the potential of Asia. At first, there is really almost no competition in it that exists in Tier-1 countries. Secondly, the economy there has grown well over the past few years, which, of course, makes it a tasty piece for webmasters. Well, do not forget that more than 60% of the world's population is concentrated here, which means you can raking it in, knowing certain features. Now let's talk about some of them!

  • There is a very developed class inequality, many Asians like to compete with each other on status. This is a trigger that can be used when you're working with Asia. Crypto is one of the niches with which it is really possible to change life by 180° both in the long term and in the short term (the main thing is to learn and practice). Actually, such an uncomplicated idea can be integrated into advertising, seasoning it with a portion of the attributes of success, wealth and abundance.

  • The Asian population is on the phone 24/7 (yes, this is not a stereotype and is peculiar not only to Asians in Europe and CIS countries), so the traffic will ideally be launched on mobile devices.

  • Asians are very superstitious. They take signs, numbers, colors, symbols seriously. So, in Thailand, the number "9" is considered lucky — it must be applied, targeting this region.

  • Also in Asia, the ideal of beauty is the maxi white skin. If you decide to target a male audience and use the "girls on creo" technique, then consider this feature, oriental appearance will definitely not work here.

  • Asians are quite adventurous, they really like great deals and are ready for impulsive decisions! To do this, you need to act through emotions, slogans, bright headlines on creatives and landing pages. Try to make phrases motivating or such that they would answer "YES". An example of good visits:
1. Wanna get rich?
2. Looking for a better life?
3. Your luck is on the way!
4. Discover new ways of moneymaking!

  • In some ways, the Asian audience is quite simple. Why? They are incredibly trusting, often believe in any game, especially if it is seasoned with a sense of wonder, magic and mysticism.

  • Asia is the ancestor of world and national religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc.). But despite the huge diversity of faiths, it is now one of the most religiously intolerant parts of the world. Therefore, it is better not to flirt with this topic in your advertising, bypassing it.
Of course, Asia is a lot of different countries, where there are its own peculiarities, nuances. In Thailand, the king is revered, the attitude towards him there is special; in Vietnam, the attitude towards the United States is not the best; in Malaysia, Islam is the faith, which distinguishes it from others, etc. Examples can be given endlessly, you always need to be guided by your experience, learn new GEO and try different approaches. But Asia is definitely a territory that should not be passed by.

Well, according to tradition, we ask you to leave feedback on the topic and share your experience with Asia, if there is one.
Today we are going to tell you about the top-5 GEO of OWNR Wallet by the amount of traffic and revenue over the past six months. We’ll tell you about the features of each of them and tell a couple of secrets of a good filling in these regions.


1. United Kingdom​

For six months, there have already been more than 3,600 downloads of the OWNR Wallet app, more than 13 thousand sessions. Revenue from this region has already exceeded 32% of the company's total revenue, and this is on 1026 revenue-generating events (conversion actions).

The most visited sites in the UK today:
  • (news)
  • (marketplace)
  • (marketplace)
It is worth noting that there are two marketplaces in the top list. This suggests that UK residents like online shopping. Great, because with an OWNR Wallet Visa prepaid card they always have such an opportunity, and they actively use it!

Since they pay special attention to fashion and gadgets, advertising can focus on success, image, appearance and a combination of these factors. Pay special attention to the adaptations of landing pages, as traffic is evenly distributed to mobile devices and PCs. It is advisable to generally separate the streams and generate traffic on different gadgets separately.

In the social networks, there are about 58 million accounts registered in the UK. The most frequently used social networks there:
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • TikTok
In general, it is not surprising that this region is in the first place in terms of the amount of traffic, because the UK is the mother of many blockchain startups and is one of the leading countries in developing innovative solutions using blockchain technology.

2. Czech Republic​

There are almost 1600 downloads of the OWNR Wallet app and more than 2700 sessions over the past six months. Almost 14% of the total revenue was brought to the company by this region on 50 conversion actions.

One of the explanations why cryptocurrencies are practically not regulated in this region is that its sale-purchase or exchange for fiat money is not a financial service. Rather, cryptocurrencies are classified as commodities. Therefore, the crypto isn’t interpreted by the Czech government as a monetary unit.

But, despite the fact that they are not an official means of payment, cryptocurrencies can be used in transactions.

The most popular sites in this region are:
  • (news)
  • (news)
The gambling business is very developed in the Czech Republic and occupies one of the first places in the world statistics in terms of the number of slot machine players – the authorities do not interfere with this. This interesting feature can also be used to advertise Affiliate program. Moreover, Czech online casinos accept payment by plastic cards or through online wallets. Here again, OWNR Wallet comes to the rescue and the opportunity to order virtual and plastic cards to pay for any services!

Popular social networks:
  • Facebook
  • Spolužáci
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin

3. Serbia​

In this region, about 600 app installations and more than 3 thousand sessions were completed in six months. At the same time, the income from this region amounted to 9% for six months with 400 actions performed.

Main traffic sources in Serbia:
Traditional values and family are very close to these people. Therefore, as positive images of advertising campaigns, it is worth focusing on such characteristics: families, children, well-being, prosperity.

Sport is also very popular in Serbia, especially football – everyone is watching it there from young to old.

The Serbs are very proud of their fraternity with Nikola Tesla. So, if you can integrate a great scientist into your advertising company, do not miss this opportunity.

When filling resources, it is better to abandon bulky animated images and videos. The best option is more statistical data, figures and other evidence base. Serbs love facts confirmed by official figures.

Write in the comments, do you pour on these GEOs and if so, how are your results?
To work with the crypt effectively, it is necessary for affiliates to determine on which GEO it is most profitable. The European region is one of the most convertable for crypto arbitrage. Speaking about OWNR Wallet, it should be noted that users from the EU can not only use a wallet for storing, exchanging, buying and selling cryptocurrencies, but also for ordering up to 5 prepaid virtual and plastic crypto cards per person, with which you can pay for services, purchases in online and offline stores, withdraw money from ATMs. For each user's action with the card, partners also receive income:


Therefore, in this post we have made a selection of European countries for crypto-arbitration with a good ROI, told about the pros, cons and features of each of them.


This region is number one on our list, as it consists of a very wealthy class of people with a high standard of living. Salaries in Scandinavia are among the highest in the world (on average up to $13,000). However, due to climatic features, it’s believed that dullness, monotony and loneliness are the usual atmosphere there. Residents are eager for new experiences and emotions. Just these "pains" can be safely used in creos and landing pages, offering something new, bright and unusual.

By the way, according to some sources, Scandinavians are the most active users of social networks among all regions of Europe. Take note!

With good preparation and taking into account all the features in these GEOs, you can get a good profit. By the way, the competition here is very low, publishers have little experience of working with Northern Europe. So if anyone is interested, well done!

Germany, Switzerland, Austria​

These European countries also have a very high standard of living and corresponding salaries (an average of $5,000). The Germans have a great interest in investing. With age, such an audience is interested in securing their future, so offers with investment, passive income and capital multiplication work perfectly.

In these regions, they like arguments, facts and logic, respectively, offering them various offers, you need to talk more about numbers, details, benefits and don’t beat about the bush. Despite a good knowledge of English in these countries, if you can do creos and prelandings in German, then this will be your advantage and will reflect well on the envelope.

As for sources, Facebook covers literally the whole of Germany (26 million users). Neither Instagram nor Twitter, nor SnapChat are so popular. You can also pay attention to XING and LinkedIn (approximately 11 million users from these GEOs). XING is generally a local social network, among which there are many of our target audience.

Well, do not forget about the great competition here, it continues to grow at an extraordinary rate.

Italy, Spain, Portugal​

There is also a fairly high standard of living and people interested in investing, whose average earnings are on €2,000-2,500 per month.

Unlike the previous groups, they tend to think longer about the offer, study advertising in detail and are not particularly impulsive (you can not count on quick deposits). They pay attention to advertising and study the proposed product. The best source here is Facebook. Residents of these countries spend a lot of time in social networks, where a lot of advertising passes through them.

And some tips on creatives. There are often crises in Spain, so additional sources of income, investing, are relevant for them – and crypto offers are a great way to do this.

The weakness of the Portuguese is football, so this theme can be used in creos.

Eastern Europe​

These regions have the lowest average earnings relative to the previous ones ($1,400-$2,400), but they should not be discounted, it’s enough just to find a certain approach and work with them. The average age of people working with the crypt is 35–40 years.

Family, children are the main values for residents of Eastern Europe. The target is usually set up for men, and family values are sometimes used in creos and prelands. There are even several successful cases using politicians in creatives.

Although they know English here, it is desirable to promote affiliate programs in their native language, especially in the current realities.

In the next post we will show you more details about our top-5 convertable countries with statistics! So don't forget to put reactions and write comments if you are interested in learning more of our insiders.
Would you like to know about the main advantages of the OWNR Wallet Affiliate program? We’ll be happy to tell you about them!

Lifetime passive income
The main advantage that distinguishes OWNR from many other partner programs is a lifetime. Each user will bring you income as long as he use OWNR Wallet!

100% transparency
You always know what user actions you are getting paid for. And you can also track the replenishment of your affiliate account in real time.

We guarantee the security of our services, as evidenced by the availability of financial licenses and the best KYC and AML providers.

USDT payments without delay
Payments are made by the financial department on a monthly basis in automatic mode. Early payouts are also available from $100 upon request.

Personal Manager
Your personal manager, listed on the account home page, will be in touch 24/7 and will help solve any matter.

Work with quality products
We focused on the convenience, reliability and visual component of the product when we created OWNR, so it won't leave anyone indifferent!

Wide GEO
Citizens and residents of 211 countries can work with crypto through OWNR Wallet, so it gives you a latitude to attract many users.

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