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  1. Ganoaffiliate

    Is Gaming Vertical Still Good?

    I have dome some research and I now Know it is a good vertical, it has increased mainly in South East Asia. i read this On App annie report. soon I will update some more info about it
  2. Ganoaffiliate

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    @cashmoneyaffiliate Thanks for this threat!! I wanted to ask: If I am new to mobile marketing and I need a good offer to start with? *I ask this because all the well know networks ask me to be earning at least 1000 a month. If I have to star with a not so well known Affiliate Network...
  3. Ganoaffiliate

    Is Gaming Vertical Still Good?

    Hello FIX'ers I'm really new to IM and REALLY new to Mobile AM. I happy to say that I'm loving this business and I know (for sure) some day I will make it, for what I have read I have concluded that one of the key facts to get started is choosing a vertical (Hope Im not wrong) . I like the...