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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


New Member
Hello FIX'ers

I'm really new to IM and REALLY new to Mobile AM.

I happy to say that I'm loving this business and I know (for sure) some day I will make it, for what I have read I have concluded that one of the key facts to get started is choosing a vertical (Hope Im not wrong) .

I like the gaming one, I think I could get really passionated about it and I am thinking to make some money though PPI (PPD).

So before starting to ask about VPS's, traffic sources, trackers, and Offer Networks... etc

Is gaming vertical still good? and a good one to star with?

Thanks for reading,

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Game is the biggest niche so far as I discover by reading some article from different blogs. People are love to play strategy games as well as some simple game. So if you are PPI then move some popular games and if you are selling ebook then choose to promote ebook which are describe gaming strategy.
I have dome some research and I now Know it is a good vertical, it has increased mainly in South East Asia. i read this On App annie report. soon I will update some more info about it

I cannot tell you how many affiliates request new game offers every day :) This is definitely a vertical that's worth promoting!
I agree, gaming is a good market niche to try in mobile AM, as more and more people are using mobiles and tablets to play the games. And you are taking the right strategy in deciding the market niche you want to work before following to the next steps.