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  1. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Hi Guys, A new update come, so let see what I have done this last couple of days: FASE 1 (YT): The earning are close to the last weeks and months but the real good news come from the SEO and the site, let see what happened; The stats from 31/03 which is the last day on webmaster tool...
  2. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    The compression is good when you use a cdn like me because reduce the time and the money. But in your case, if you want to upload huge videos easily just look for a Remote VPS with good features. I'm able to upload a +1GB video in less than 10 minutes. Thanks for that, I just want to warm of...
  3. flanders16

    Official PopAds Domination

    HI Morticai, I saw this course I don't remember how but I want to know if there are real good information for someone that knows and have worked months with Popads so nothing new if you tell so basic things that it's what I think you told. Bring me some quality light about that and Maybe I buy...
  4. flanders16

    Earn Daily $300+ with No Investment (Case Study)

    "I just wanted to show that AdWords isn’t 'expensive' if you launch your ad campaigns with some basic knowledge: a little black hat method" "You don’t have to spend lot of money in AdWords. I am using this method: Google Black Hat mean spent low amount and use in unlimited $$$ in adwords."...
  5. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    ...CPALEAD earning you will se some days with 0$, I saw that one of my old landing pages weren't providing what I was promising and like I'm not a f***ing scammer I diseable it on them. FASE 1 (IG): Like the last update IG if the project that It's taking more time, I'm still testing new idea...
  6. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Hi guys, Here again with my crazy ideas and trying to make something good for the community. So let see what I have done this days and How are going my ideas. FASE 1 (YT): Well, I started the YT account like I said but before of that I just made a control of few of my old account just to...
  7. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Yeah right, anyway if the things don't go like I expect on the next month I can always return to the same setup I was making, the normally churn&burn method. So, not a problem, but I want to make a try on the setup I have on mind. if I have always on mind I just trying because I'm curious, so...
  8. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Hi azgold, always here to send me your tought and always welcome and appreciate it! yeah jaja I know how looks the words churn and burn and high quality together, seems impossible, and contradictory like you said, but, I think it's totally possible. If I can fine a quality offer and make spam...
  9. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Hi Guys, first of all, sorry for didn't make the update on suday but I was soo busy with the projects and the study so I wasn't able to make it. Anyway, today I'm more free atleast to make my update. Like I said the last post I have made a few changes on my project with the plan it's still the...
  10. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    I had really interest on mail marketing a few years ago but I just left it because I want to search someone with good write skills and motivation, because I'm not a really good writer, I can make that type of job, I have in mind to contract someone with a lot of knowledge on a Topic or Niche and...
  11. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Hi Guys, This weeks will be different. All the project I have been talking the last week are on similar situation, because I'm making some changes on my plan about the niches and how I want to go. The plan it's still the same, but the niches and others will be sooo different and like I have a...
  12. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Thanks for the reply, and apologises for my late answer, I saw it and I forget it at all make you a reply giving you thanks for the quality answer you always have been bring me on the follow along. I will take your advices and on conclusion make it on the way I'm more confotable, so I will...
  13. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    I really appreciate your answer always motivating on my posts! So really thanks for that. I want to focus on the last things you say on the post about the aggressive affiliates that don't think about long term. My question is, which type of offers do you offer me for this long term...
  14. flanders16

    Flanders Journey testing but I'm getting sooo many problems because I hate the agressive strategies that the people use.. I'm sure so many people don't give a s**t about the leads they get but I think it's sooo dirty to try making a leads on an antivirus offer with a landing page in which they say you...
  15. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    ...that means a offer cut on the long run, I have talked with the network (I don't have a personal manager, I requested but the said no... Yeah s**ks) and they have send me information of how to improve the quality with the methos I'm using. Anyway if the information don't seems profitable for...
  16. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    I replied that to you on the last reply you made. Check it I made a full description about what I'm using for tracking.
  17. flanders16

    Flanders Journey account for a bad quality VPS, this cost more each month but when you start to control more than 100 account on a VPS, this cost it's literally s***. I had a few niches on mind so I started to make a setup, but something wrong happened. for some reason the FL settup I was running before...
  18. flanders16

    Trying to Focus from BCN

    I appreciate that Reply, but I'm 100% sure you haven't read my journey for your reply.
  19. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    HI Guys, Because I'm waiting for something to continue with the journey, and I don't know if the next couple of days I will be able to make a good reply again I will make an update. I could make new project but I don't want to start 20 projects at the same time, I said clearly I want to focus...
  20. flanders16

    Flanders Journey

    Thanks to you and everyone that have replied the Thread. About the tracker, on the 1 FASE projects I don't use it, I get enough data on the cpa network normally, so it's enough. And for the 2 FASE Media Buying, yes I'm using Adsbridge + CDN (Setup), it's sooooo cheap compared with another setup...