Hi Everyone,
I few hours ago I have promise on my introduction to this forum on make a journey, which I thinki will bring me a really good thinking specially when we talk about be more organized (I will explain later why), make new friends (Why not?) and Help people on the best way possible.
You can See my short Intro Here:
Trying to Focus from BCN
Like everyone that want to work on IM and make a Business, doesn't matter if it's on Internet or Not, you will have obstacles, problems and sooo many doubts (atleast on my case).
I started my interest on internet business when I was 14, I was too young, but for some reasons I decided to tell my dad: "Hi, Can you buy me this Book of PHP,CSS and HTML?", He made it.
Why? My first impression when I get my first contact with Internet was, How it's possible to show on a computer the thing that you want to show? The Asnwer was obviously the programming, the code, so I started to research about that and I found Huge content about HTML,CSS, you know, so I decided to ask this to my dad to learn more.
I spent all my summer Holidays learning programming books and making local test, I learned HTML,CSS and PHP, I just woke up every day at 8 AM to study and make test. Was awesome, I made my first html pages on loca with a few PHP code and man... If you see what I was doing you will think "what a shit made this guy" jajaja but mate, I was Proud and excited for this Horrible Html pages I was doing, I tought that they where the best pages ever jajaj.
I was studying so I didn't have many time to study on the way I was making on the summer, but I was curious still, but for some reason, I started to know about Marketing on Internet, Money on Internet, no Bosses, Do you know that right? the typical ad saying (Do you want to make 3.000/Month with 1 hour a WEEK) Come on... I just laugh now when I see something like this, but I was 14 buddy.. Too many thing to learn.
I forget about be a programmer, I still love the code, but my Way was always the Business, so I left the idea of learn more programming and with 15 and 16 years old I started to deep the Internet with information. I discovered Forums, Guides, People that help to others. WOW
and I found ADSENSE. I hate Google Today, but that time I was something new, the silicon walley wave was shocking huge on the young entrepeneurs, so I started to work on Adsense.
few months without making a cent, 1€/day maybe with hours of work, but my mind was "Yes man.. You are the Next Mark Zuckerberg" jajaja lovely young guy I was sincerly, but I was always happy no matter what.
I discovered Youtube and with 16 I started to make money on Adsense + Youtube. on That time the copyright on youtube wasn't to controled and you was able to make a huge amount if you really know what was doing.
I was a newbie, so It was my case, but my Niche was really good on RPM bases, I started to make 300€/Month... 1500€/Month the next month and I arrived to 3000€/Month.
I Opened the website of Adsense and then the notice was there "You are unable to attach youtube account to your Adsense account for the next 6 month" OMG... my Account wasn't blocked for my lucky, but I was unable to attach youtube account on there. BAD NEWS.
Google started to be serious about Copyright and I decided to make the thing good the next time. I was proving value to my viewers but I wasn't making the things good.
Never Again..
Then started a time (16-18) in which I decided two things:
- Focus on my college and go to the Univerity.
- Learn More on Deep about Business on internet and Be ready to start Legal Business when I will be 18y old (adult).
Finally I get 18 years old and I was able to make a business on my country, all legal, documents, papers taxes, all correct nothing weird.
I was on the University, and I decided to be Freelancer on my country. I made all the papers and I don't needed too much capital cause it wasn't a company, so there was no minimum capitals or any other thing.
Was was my AIM for make that? I wanted to be MediaBuyer. I love marketing and in media buying you can buy ads from any site and sell whatever you want, CPL, PPS, revshare, ecommerce, I love this freedom and all this was possible with MediaBuys.
Nothing was easy, I had to request the VAT ID on my country and fuck said... 5 Months waiting and paying to my government taxes to be freelancer and I wasn't able to start my business because the same government take 5 months for give me a number.
If you don't know what is a VAT ID, just search, it's for European People and you needed to buy traffic nowadays. (I hated Google and Europe on that days, like you can see I'm in love with Monopolies)
I decided to start on Adult, it was a Huge amount of traffic, so I was able to learn with no problems and when the time arrived go out to Mainstream offers and be able to get better ROI (Trust me, get a 200% ROI on adult it's HARD, SO HARD)
But I learned something working with Adult and Media Buys. You need to have a good credit Line on Adult because the ROI are between 20-50% on my experience and mate, if you want to make 200$/day you need to be able for spend 1000$.
I wasn't my case.. the Tax/Spends for the business and the bad campaigns kill me.. I FAILED AGAIN, nothing to worry, I love fail.
I take a time, because I started to be have so problems with Stress and Depression (I lost all my save since kid, I was on the University and I hate it, so this killed my Mind, that happend when you never had a concern/worry when you are young and suddently you have a lot of worries and you lost). Yeah bad things. I stopped all on the best way and I started to think what to do.
And that where we are! I have passed this "bad" times and I will use this Huge experience I have learn on all this years to make a really good plan.
I'm not starting from the scratch like you will see, so it's a plan that it's running, I have control the thing better and I have learned a lot more.
My Knowledge it's enough to make a Huge money and make good investments, but there are so many things to improve.
I'm a Perfectionist so make a plan it's sooooo Difficult for me. I need to solve that still and I'm on the way, but change the character take time.
My Plan it's 3 FASE Plan.
- 1 FASE; Social Media Churn&Burn Methods - I will start, scale and improve method on the journey in Social Media, all of them Churn&Burn on that FASE with the only objetive of save budget for the FASE 2.
But wait, I'm not this type of guy that sell and non exist HACK of CLASK ROYALE and make a few thousand scamming 14 years old kid, no mate... nononono, I will make churn&Burn proyects, I will bring something valuable, with the exception that in the most cases this will be a low quality value.
there are a ton a email submit offers you know, I can confirm if they scam cause I'm not the owner, but I don't sell something that don't exist.
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of this FASE so I will try to bring the best value possible, real ebooks lockers and other staff. I can lie, but there is no necessity, bring value will be essencial on FASE 3 and I will work on that.
- 2 FASE; Media Buys Churn&Burn. A lot of people will say, Oh flanders but Medua Buys is not CHURN AND BURN COME ONEEEEEEE. It is. Let me explain.
When you promote a CPA offer about and Antivirus, you are making a campaign that if you aren't quickly to scale you will lose money on 3 weeks even with the best optimitzation.
So yeah, it's Churn&Burn. OBviously the budget of the FASE 1 will be for this.
Again, the value of this method it's sooo low specially in the Sweepstakes, antivirus, and the Campaign that right now are working.
Will be difficult trust me.. there are a ton of money on that lie machines, so probably I will break this promise. Yeah I know, I'm disgusting.
I hope to be not more than a few years on this FASE (Yeah years, is not too much really..)
- 3 FASE; This is Interesting right? Probably if you are easily distracted like I am, you never will arrive here, or you will had jump my real live story (Man.. read my story if you have done that come on, Go it!)
THE KEY of Business and the Non Key of every single newbie on Internet Marketing. I have to wait 10 years of make 1.000.000€ and work more than 8h/day??? OhOh OH OHOHOHOHOHO man man man man, I have seen a guide In which for 5€ I can make 1500.000 on the first year, come on flanders, you are the REAL NEWBIE.
#richlifestyle #seemymoney #pictureswith5dollars #100dollarson1dollarsticketsthatseemsonthepicturethattherearemillionsbutnoimpooridiot
I love to make jokes sorry, it's part of my Happiness jaja I won't be able to write all this without this phrases.
I'm getting tired of writing but I'm finishing finally, I will describe more the project on the future post because the introduction, even being long, I had to write it just one time. so I will get time the next post for more descriptions.
Right Now I have a few project on 1 FASE that I need to scale, and improve.
And the 2 FASE project, which is just one, that I will start the next week with a 1000$ budget for the first campaign.
Like I said I have a few project, but there are something conducts on me that make me lose a lot of time when I work.
I'm soo distracted, I doubt a lot (too perfectionist) and I get borred easily. So the things are difficult.
Anyway that's one of the Hidden goals of this journey, I hate break promises and when I do I feel Embarrassed and dishonored (Do you know how there are the Japanese people about that right? so similar then)
so yeah, I have planned to focus on 1 PROJECT when I work, so the plan if focus on 1 of them, make the work of the next weeks if It's possible and forget about them while it's scaling thanks to the work I made.
Once I have done that I will start the process with the next project.
That workset I think is the best for me, because when you scale something in the 80% of the cases you will need to wait a few weeks to see if the work was made correctly or not.
and I'm so Impatiente.
so, I make the job for the next weeks on a few days, I won't get borred because when I finish I will start the next and I will change the project too (don't will be the same task over and over again)
I won't be distracted because make a 4 weeks job on 3 days take time and non distractions.
and finally when I will start let say a 5 project the first project I made have been working on enough weeks to see real results.
(Hope you have understand my mindset)
My first Project: OGADS + Youtube
My actual earning on this project;
Hope to scale the project and make the job from the next month.
I will start Monday probably with a PPV campaign on a less than 1$ offer. I want to make volume leads than other thing by now.
Remember that my experience come from Adult not from Mainstream.
Like I said 1000$ for the first campaign.
I have asked to my manager an EPC report of the best offer in non TIER 1 county and offer with less than 1$. Should be easy to get it, but when you work with just one network is not.
I'm not working on OGADS for that obviously but I'm not going to say the Networks on that cases, it's not relevant for your help and it's risked, you should understand.
I'm going to focus on ONE CPA NETWORK + ONE PPV NETWORK
It's important to focus just on one master it, get experience and learn more about them and extrat the 100% of the combination.
Then you will be able to get to the next step.
I do that, because when you do that and spend all the budget on 1 Combination (ONE CPA NETWORK + ONE PPV NETWORK) You move more money on both site, because you move all.
The trust more in you, the available weekly payment and you even have the possibility of talk with the owners of the PPV NETWORK and say.
"Hi, I have been working with you since 6 months and I have spend 50.000 every single month with us, I can get the ability of pay monthly?"
BOOM, free credit line for the month baby.
That my AIM Here, the method it's Churn&Burn when we talk about Campaigns, but the relationship with your CPA NETWORK and the PPV NETWORK on my case,
it's the key, trust me they will give you love because you make money for them. REMEMBER.
I think that's all for now, I want to eat guys, was great this first contact with the forum, I want to improve my english too because I make a lot of mistake, and I take too many time for write.
So, there are a lot of good things when you make a journey I have said just a few things in this post.
I few hours ago I have promise on my introduction to this forum on make a journey, which I thinki will bring me a really good thinking specially when we talk about be more organized (I will explain later why), make new friends (Why not?) and Help people on the best way possible.
You can See my short Intro Here:
Trying to Focus from BCN
Like everyone that want to work on IM and make a Business, doesn't matter if it's on Internet or Not, you will have obstacles, problems and sooo many doubts (atleast on my case).
I started my interest on internet business when I was 14, I was too young, but for some reasons I decided to tell my dad: "Hi, Can you buy me this Book of PHP,CSS and HTML?", He made it.
Why? My first impression when I get my first contact with Internet was, How it's possible to show on a computer the thing that you want to show? The Asnwer was obviously the programming, the code, so I started to research about that and I found Huge content about HTML,CSS, you know, so I decided to ask this to my dad to learn more.
I spent all my summer Holidays learning programming books and making local test, I learned HTML,CSS and PHP, I just woke up every day at 8 AM to study and make test. Was awesome, I made my first html pages on loca with a few PHP code and man... If you see what I was doing you will think "what a shit made this guy" jajaja but mate, I was Proud and excited for this Horrible Html pages I was doing, I tought that they where the best pages ever jajaj.
I was studying so I didn't have many time to study on the way I was making on the summer, but I was curious still, but for some reason, I started to know about Marketing on Internet, Money on Internet, no Bosses, Do you know that right? the typical ad saying (Do you want to make 3.000/Month with 1 hour a WEEK) Come on... I just laugh now when I see something like this, but I was 14 buddy.. Too many thing to learn.
I forget about be a programmer, I still love the code, but my Way was always the Business, so I left the idea of learn more programming and with 15 and 16 years old I started to deep the Internet with information. I discovered Forums, Guides, People that help to others. WOW
and I found ADSENSE. I hate Google Today, but that time I was something new, the silicon walley wave was shocking huge on the young entrepeneurs, so I started to work on Adsense.
few months without making a cent, 1€/day maybe with hours of work, but my mind was "Yes man.. You are the Next Mark Zuckerberg" jajaja lovely young guy I was sincerly, but I was always happy no matter what.
I discovered Youtube and with 16 I started to make money on Adsense + Youtube. on That time the copyright on youtube wasn't to controled and you was able to make a huge amount if you really know what was doing.
I was a newbie, so It was my case, but my Niche was really good on RPM bases, I started to make 300€/Month... 1500€/Month the next month and I arrived to 3000€/Month.
I Opened the website of Adsense and then the notice was there "You are unable to attach youtube account to your Adsense account for the next 6 month" OMG... my Account wasn't blocked for my lucky, but I was unable to attach youtube account on there. BAD NEWS.
Google started to be serious about Copyright and I decided to make the thing good the next time. I was proving value to my viewers but I wasn't making the things good.
Never Again..
Then started a time (16-18) in which I decided two things:
- Focus on my college and go to the Univerity.
- Learn More on Deep about Business on internet and Be ready to start Legal Business when I will be 18y old (adult).
Finally I get 18 years old and I was able to make a business on my country, all legal, documents, papers taxes, all correct nothing weird.
I was on the University, and I decided to be Freelancer on my country. I made all the papers and I don't needed too much capital cause it wasn't a company, so there was no minimum capitals or any other thing.
Was was my AIM for make that? I wanted to be MediaBuyer. I love marketing and in media buying you can buy ads from any site and sell whatever you want, CPL, PPS, revshare, ecommerce, I love this freedom and all this was possible with MediaBuys.
Nothing was easy, I had to request the VAT ID on my country and fuck said... 5 Months waiting and paying to my government taxes to be freelancer and I wasn't able to start my business because the same government take 5 months for give me a number.
If you don't know what is a VAT ID, just search, it's for European People and you needed to buy traffic nowadays. (I hated Google and Europe on that days, like you can see I'm in love with Monopolies)
I decided to start on Adult, it was a Huge amount of traffic, so I was able to learn with no problems and when the time arrived go out to Mainstream offers and be able to get better ROI (Trust me, get a 200% ROI on adult it's HARD, SO HARD)
But I learned something working with Adult and Media Buys. You need to have a good credit Line on Adult because the ROI are between 20-50% on my experience and mate, if you want to make 200$/day you need to be able for spend 1000$.
I wasn't my case.. the Tax/Spends for the business and the bad campaigns kill me.. I FAILED AGAIN, nothing to worry, I love fail.
I take a time, because I started to be have so problems with Stress and Depression (I lost all my save since kid, I was on the University and I hate it, so this killed my Mind, that happend when you never had a concern/worry when you are young and suddently you have a lot of worries and you lost). Yeah bad things. I stopped all on the best way and I started to think what to do.
And that where we are! I have passed this "bad" times and I will use this Huge experience I have learn on all this years to make a really good plan.
I'm not starting from the scratch like you will see, so it's a plan that it's running, I have control the thing better and I have learned a lot more.
My Knowledge it's enough to make a Huge money and make good investments, but there are so many things to improve.
I'm a Perfectionist so make a plan it's sooooo Difficult for me. I need to solve that still and I'm on the way, but change the character take time.
My Plan it's 3 FASE Plan.
- 1 FASE; Social Media Churn&Burn Methods - I will start, scale and improve method on the journey in Social Media, all of them Churn&Burn on that FASE with the only objetive of save budget for the FASE 2.
But wait, I'm not this type of guy that sell and non exist HACK of CLASK ROYALE and make a few thousand scamming 14 years old kid, no mate... nononono, I will make churn&Burn proyects, I will bring something valuable, with the exception that in the most cases this will be a low quality value.
there are a ton a email submit offers you know, I can confirm if they scam cause I'm not the owner, but I don't sell something that don't exist.
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of this FASE so I will try to bring the best value possible, real ebooks lockers and other staff. I can lie, but there is no necessity, bring value will be essencial on FASE 3 and I will work on that.
- 2 FASE; Media Buys Churn&Burn. A lot of people will say, Oh flanders but Medua Buys is not CHURN AND BURN COME ONEEEEEEE. It is. Let me explain.
When you promote a CPA offer about and Antivirus, you are making a campaign that if you aren't quickly to scale you will lose money on 3 weeks even with the best optimitzation.
So yeah, it's Churn&Burn. OBviously the budget of the FASE 1 will be for this.
Again, the value of this method it's sooo low specially in the Sweepstakes, antivirus, and the Campaign that right now are working.
Will be difficult trust me.. there are a ton of money on that lie machines, so probably I will break this promise. Yeah I know, I'm disgusting.
I hope to be not more than a few years on this FASE (Yeah years, is not too much really..)
- 3 FASE; This is Interesting right? Probably if you are easily distracted like I am, you never will arrive here, or you will had jump my real live story (Man.. read my story if you have done that come on, Go it!)
THE KEY of Business and the Non Key of every single newbie on Internet Marketing. I have to wait 10 years of make 1.000.000€ and work more than 8h/day??? OhOh OH OHOHOHOHOHO man man man man, I have seen a guide In which for 5€ I can make 1500.000 on the first year, come on flanders, you are the REAL NEWBIE.
#richlifestyle #seemymoney #pictureswith5dollars #100dollarson1dollarsticketsthatseemsonthepicturethattherearemillionsbutnoimpooridiot
I love to make jokes sorry, it's part of my Happiness jaja I won't be able to write all this without this phrases.
I'm getting tired of writing but I'm finishing finally, I will describe more the project on the future post because the introduction, even being long, I had to write it just one time. so I will get time the next post for more descriptions.
Right Now I have a few project on 1 FASE that I need to scale, and improve.
And the 2 FASE project, which is just one, that I will start the next week with a 1000$ budget for the first campaign.
Like I said I have a few project, but there are something conducts on me that make me lose a lot of time when I work.
I'm soo distracted, I doubt a lot (too perfectionist) and I get borred easily. So the things are difficult.
Anyway that's one of the Hidden goals of this journey, I hate break promises and when I do I feel Embarrassed and dishonored (Do you know how there are the Japanese people about that right? so similar then)
so yeah, I have planned to focus on 1 PROJECT when I work, so the plan if focus on 1 of them, make the work of the next weeks if It's possible and forget about them while it's scaling thanks to the work I made.
Once I have done that I will start the process with the next project.
That workset I think is the best for me, because when you scale something in the 80% of the cases you will need to wait a few weeks to see if the work was made correctly or not.
and I'm so Impatiente.
so, I make the job for the next weeks on a few days, I won't get borred because when I finish I will start the next and I will change the project too (don't will be the same task over and over again)
I won't be distracted because make a 4 weeks job on 3 days take time and non distractions.
and finally when I will start let say a 5 project the first project I made have been working on enough weeks to see real results.
(Hope you have understand my mindset)
My first Project: OGADS + Youtube
My actual earning on this project;

Hope to scale the project and make the job from the next month.
I will start Monday probably with a PPV campaign on a less than 1$ offer. I want to make volume leads than other thing by now.
Remember that my experience come from Adult not from Mainstream.
Like I said 1000$ for the first campaign.
I have asked to my manager an EPC report of the best offer in non TIER 1 county and offer with less than 1$. Should be easy to get it, but when you work with just one network is not.
I'm not working on OGADS for that obviously but I'm not going to say the Networks on that cases, it's not relevant for your help and it's risked, you should understand.
I'm going to focus on ONE CPA NETWORK + ONE PPV NETWORK
It's important to focus just on one master it, get experience and learn more about them and extrat the 100% of the combination.
Then you will be able to get to the next step.
I do that, because when you do that and spend all the budget on 1 Combination (ONE CPA NETWORK + ONE PPV NETWORK) You move more money on both site, because you move all.
The trust more in you, the available weekly payment and you even have the possibility of talk with the owners of the PPV NETWORK and say.
"Hi, I have been working with you since 6 months and I have spend 50.000 every single month with us, I can get the ability of pay monthly?"
BOOM, free credit line for the month baby.
That my AIM Here, the method it's Churn&Burn when we talk about Campaigns, but the relationship with your CPA NETWORK and the PPV NETWORK on my case,
it's the key, trust me they will give you love because you make money for them. REMEMBER.
I think that's all for now, I want to eat guys, was great this first contact with the forum, I want to improve my english too because I make a lot of mistake, and I take too many time for write.
So, there are a lot of good things when you make a journey I have said just a few things in this post.