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  1. Graybeard

    You're absolutely right :D

    No, Gemini has been a total embarrassment responding to trolling questions like "how many rocks should I eat a day? another recent: Google's news AI search pulls answers from decades-old Reddit troll post—suggesting glue on pizza
  2. Graybeard

    You're absolutely right :D

    Me v. AI LOL reasoning logic ;)
  3. Graybeard

    What do you hate about AI?

    People that spam have a new tool to make what they say, what they think to be, and many others will see, as better *content* with inferred authenticity. More directly: better bullshit is still bullshit. What bothers me about AI is its tendency to be repetitive, about how to use its coding...
  4. Graybeard

    AI News How Can AI Help Grow an Affiliate Program?

    AI's output is only as good, and as original, as the human actor's knowledge in his prompts (asking for the output). So if you are a dullard, the work AI does, or creates, for you will be just as boring and worthless. GA4 GTM and onClick Events <-AI creation
  5. Graybeard

    Ignore Chat GPT?

    to that end Tracking your outbound clicks to offers/sponsors This "mind map" is AI (ChatGTP4) edited into an *.md File and transformed in a a Markmap. It is almost verbatim BTW It's a lot easier to follow that Google's circle jerk documentation :D
  6. Graybeard

    Perfect AI Blended Coffee

    In the long run this will enable people to excel in their endeavors --if and only if; they learn the right questions and specifications to query (or prompt) AI `systems`. What I am saying if you just ask: What is the prefect coffee blend to make me a millionaire? All you will get back is a...
  7. Graybeard

    Perfect AI Blended Coffee

    An example of perfecting a consumer product with AI --the possibilities are endless.
  8. Graybeard

    You're absolutely right :D

    Well, AI is not a clever legal mind, apparently :P Ok, but fuck up again you may get fired :D
  9. Graybeard

    AI Conspiracies --Human Made

    AI Conspiracies are human made. AI doesn't want to take over the world --humans want to hack you for some gain. In other words, the problem is human based: from a register article [yes, they still exist :D] (sort of way-back)...
  10. Graybeard

    AI News Googles March 2024 Update - Biggest Update Since 2022

    This seems like FUD to me. Was any data based supporting evidence offered? These AI detectors are not keeping up really ... Gemini might be able to detect itself. Bart was obvious, LMAO, a parrot like Google Search is now.
  11. Graybeard

    AI News Googles March 2024 Update - Biggest Update Since 2022

    Another case of Google hypocrisy --their own AI is getting competition :D It's a hard ride down from the top ;) Or, AI is gaming the almighty Googlebot. The irony here is Google wants its AI to win the AI wars ... The latter being the case, AI will have to adapt and Googlebot will be playing...
  12. Graybeard

    You're absolutely right :D

    ChatGPT: Don't forget to chmod +x Maybe, AI was trying to test the human?
  13. Graybeard

    Success (finally) AI progres SQL

    No, the banking is too much trouble. Commercial banks want nothing to do with it --brand safety issues. They have been trying to pass banking laws (or get new banking regulations). Technically, legal limit THC CDB or cannabis is lawful nationwide. To the banks you are a high-risk business and...
  14. Graybeard

    You're absolutely right :D

    ChatGPT screwed up (again) It didn't thing things through, in their order of succession and forgot a crucial set-up need, but hopefully it was fundamentally correct -- looks plausible --we will see ;)
  15. Graybeard

    Success (finally) AI progres SQL

    1. AI saves time when you code. 2. AI handles the stress involved -- if the code errors you just submit that error and AI will try and try `till it's right. When it comes to logic and design AI has limitations you still have to know what you want to do and the way coding works. Now github has...
  16. Graybeard

    Success (finally) AI progres SQL

    ...a MariaDB (like MySQL 8x) into progres SQL # Execute the COPY command using psql psql -U "$PG_USER" -d "$PG_DATABASE" -c "$COPY_COMMAND" + psql -U ***** -d finance -c '\COPY finance.nasdaqdaily1yr( last_day,symbol,name,lastsale,netchange...
  17. Graybeard

    Question: Where did they learn?

    in better that 1/100th of the time from what I am reading lately ...
  18. Graybeard

    Question: Where did they learn?

    I can see within a generation but with robot AI assistance the end product should be very affordable. Healthcare will be a right with universal access. Systemic change hopefully.
  19. Graybeard

    Question: Where did they learn?

    Pancreas R&R (remove & replace) $674,000.00 ? Internal organ replacement parts are not exactly going to be in stock and on the shelf ready for installation in the near future. I should also add within the economic reach of the majority of people.
  20. Graybeard

    Question: Where did they learn?

    That sounds more like wishful thinking and hope. It is easier to work on the environmental factors and the dietary factors.