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    Your Favorite Part of Affiliate Marketing?

    The best part is reading the emails received when you have new sales, or new subaffiliate signups. :)
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    Change to micro niche?

    I think setting higher goals is much better. You main theme should be health, but you can split your website in more sections and target more "micro-niches" at once.
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    I'm Not Sure! Affiliate Programs!?

    I recommend you something in nutritional supplementation. They are paying great commissions and there's a huge market.
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    I'm Not Sure! Affiliate Programs!?

    It's really important what kind of websites do you have. You should chose an affiliate program in your niche.
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    How do I get my website noticed by search engines?

    The most important thing to get your website's pages discovered and indexed are links to your pages. Buying links is against Google TOS, so make sure you are not getting links this way.