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I'm Not Sure! Affiliate Programs!?


Im wanting to start a new website to bring in some extra cash from affiliate earning..
but im not quite sure what service/stuff to promote..
What are the best affiliate programs to sign up to and promote there stuff!
Can anybody give me a few suggestions please?
One tip I hear often is to pick a subject area that personally interests you. It's a lot of work to build a great site, and you'll be writing a lot of content along the way, so the more interesting it is to you personally the more you'll enjoy sticking with it and seeing it through.

As for affiliate programs, I've had very good experience with CJ and ShareASale, and I'm sure the others here can chime in with more.

Best of luck in your new venture.
Just whatever you do, try to promote or create something that has recurring billing. Imagine having hundreds or even thousands of recurring members... awesome!

One tip I hear often is to pick a subject area that personally interests you. It's a lot of work to build a great site, and you'll be writing a lot of content along the way, so the more interesting it is to you personally the more you'll enjoy sticking with it and seeing it through.

As for affiliate programs, I've had very good experience with CJ and ShareASale, and I'm sure the others here can chime in with more.

Best of luck in your new venture.

Yes, i will be choosing a subject that interests me.
I already have a website and i also choose that because the subject interests me..
The website i already have is earning from freebiejeebies, but im now wanting to build a website which will ring in more cash.
I will check those 2 websites out you said..

Thanks so much for weighing in Richard and I agree.

Take a look at some of the stickies in our niche marketing forum about how to pick your 1st niche and do KW research to find in demand topics that aren't too competitive for starters.

Niche Marketing - 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums

Thanks! ..
Will do!

Just whatever you do, try to promote or create something that has recurring billing. Imagine having hundreds or even thousands of recurring members... awesome!

Sounds Good! :D
I am partial to the hearing aid niche myself, there are a lot of people looking
for hearing aids, and there is a company that is taking the web by storm.

One con is that there is a 1 time sale. That sucks but, the pay out can be as high as $278 a sale. I might also recommend using the host gator sight to host your websites. It's 9.99 a month it comes with unlimited domains. It's easy to start a blog, fantasico will automatically set up a word press theme in seconds, you don't have to be a tech savy individual, which is a time saver.

Good luck