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  1. King Conga

    I Know I Should Know This, BUT...

    Thanks Winnie. I have written the site owner to get permission to add the code on their website. Still waiting for response.
  2. King Conga

    I Know I Should Know This, BUT...

    So, I'm writing an article not necessarily a blog...YET, that's basically a list of 10 people that I write 2 paragraphs about for each person. There's also a book selling for $45 on Amazon that profiles interviews with many of these people. I want to use the name of the book as a keyword, or...
  3. King Conga

    Strange Question About WA

    WOW! You're an answered prayer. Thank you SOO MUCH! Do you mean go to the section titled "Ask Me Anything"
  4. King Conga

    Strange Question About WA

    I only have a FREE membership to Wealthy Affiliate because right now I just don't have $50/mo. However, I've been trying to find places on their site to ask a simple question since I'm on the free program, but I can't find anywhere now that my full access period has expired, which is quite...
  5. King Conga

    Looking for Additional Help for Wealthy Affiliate

    I just joined the Starter WA, and still in my 7 day trial; however, I'm hoping I can find some additional help here for some independent advice for free after those 7 days expire. Might this be the place, and if not, where do you suggest?
  6. King Conga

    Remind Me of the Name of FREE Auto-Sharing Site

    I haven't been to this site that I'm thinking about for quite some time, but John Lougadocis (sp) recommended it to automatically post to over 20 different social media sites simultaneously. As best I can remember, it was something like I know it had "Social" and "Address"...
  7. King Conga

    Why Do GREAT Products Get Sucky CB Scores?

    I was on my way to building a great site at using a REALLY good piece of PC Optimization software called PC Health Advisor, developed by just as good a developer, PareTo Logic. I mean, it was approved and recommended by the BIG MSoft, even Intel, and BBB. I had even...
  8. King Conga

    Where/How to Use Squidoo

    Thanks FitGal, That IS encouraging. I'd just as soon make a fast nickle as a slow dime. And I hate to be thick-headed, but can you clarify the website issue a little more? I'm wondering if I should use my WordPress domain that I bought just for articles, albeit music reviews; which I've yet to...
  9. King Conga

    Where/How to Use Squidoo

    Anudah mouthful...albeit, a GOOD one. A couple of issues here if you could suggest any solutions. #1. By "MY Website" are you referring to my WordPress site, or the 1 that redirects? #2. I would LOVE to use Amazon, however, I live in NC, 1 of the greedy tax states that in 2009 or 10 they voted...
  10. King Conga

    Keywords Not in Articles Requirement?

    WOW!...Again. That certainly clears up some clouds. I also read a paper from Hubspot that spoke about getting key word/phrases from the aggregate responses you get by typing in your original words/phrase. I just haven't had time these past few days to test that. Tanx, KC
  11. King Conga

    How Non-Promoting Should Blog Be?

    Tanx Again! 140 searches...OWCH! that hurts; but at least I know I'm doing my initial job correctly. It could be a LOT worse. I really look fwd to you untangling my mess.
  12. King Conga

    Editing Article Titles @ eZineArticles?

    Got my answer. Wasn't what I wanted....but....
  13. King Conga

    How to Install WPress Plugin?

    I've REALLY tried my best to follow, and figure out how to install the WPress plugin to my account, or any account for that matter, but the current GUI's at WP are NOTHING like the GUI's (or whatever) in the video tutorials I've seen. Can someone please be a chum and send me a...
  14. King Conga

    Editing Article Titles @ eZineArticles?

    I've been studying how Squidoo works quite intensely for the past couple of days, and decided that I really needed to change the title of my articles for much stronger keyword strength than the title that I used at Unfortunately, eZine wouldn't let me edit my title, but the...
  15. King Conga

    How to Add WPress to Squeeze Page?

    I don't have a host plan. Tanx, KC
  16. King Conga

    Keywords Not in Articles Requirement?

    Tanx Minstrel, Actually, these were from a Squidoo lens, and the keywords I saw were the ones on the right side of the page at the bottom of the article. There's only 1 place I remember Squidoo asking for any keywords/tags. Hope that helps you help me. KC
  17. King Conga

    How Non-Promoting Should Blog Be?

    So, I tried submitting an article on that was rejected because they said it promoted my product too blatantly. So, I try writing an article that doesn't even mention the name of the product that I'm promoting (except in the Resource section), and instead do a brain dump from my...
  18. King Conga

    How to Add WPress to Squeeze Page?

    I'm not even sure if I'm asking that question correctly; but I keep seeing folks saying how great WP is for SEO, and Google, and how you really need to use it. Problem is, I don't know if I need to install it locally, create it from the WP website, or add it to my landing site. If I need to...
  19. King Conga

    Keywords Not in Articles Requirement?

    Exsqueeze Me...but I thought Google kicked articles to the curbside that used tags/k'words that weren't actually in the article. I'm looking at a Squidoo article/lens/whatever that's apparently doing great rankings, but I found a keyword that's nowhere in the article. Best Beat Software TOP 5...
  20. King Conga

    How Would SOPA & PIPA Affect AM

    I just wanted to know from any gurus in the know around here what the REAL ramifications of these 2 Totalitarian bills will have on affiliate marketing? It'd be nice to have a Sticky on this vital subject. Tanx, KC