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Adding My Affiliate Link to EVERY Article

King Conga

Active Member
I wanted to ask you guys about a tactic I saw somewhere that suggested don't put your affiliate link in EVERY SINGLE article. For instance, I've already published 2 articles on Medium that are selling the same product. I've posted a 3rd that sells another product, and I'm working on a 4th that sells the same product as the 3rd. I'm putting the link in those articles bcuz I build my street cred and market value in forums where they won't let you place ads. Is this the best strategy? What's your best advice? Tanx again.
  1. are links allowed?
  2. are affiliate links allowed?
  3. how many links are allowed per article? <text only inside link or "story cloaked"
I would not use ugly affiliate links --redirect them through you own server and not a publicly known redirection service (captain abvious)
I wanted to ask you guys about a tactic I saw somewhere that suggested don't put your affiliate link in EVERY SINGLE article.

This is a recommendation from Medium. I can't speak to the value of this recommendation from personal experience with Medium, but I suspect they recommend this due to their practice of internal content rankings by readers. Popularity of content is one of the additional challenges when using a platform like Medium, as opposed to using your own server, domain(s), and blog(s). This ranking they use is likely the cause for this recommendation. Popularity is the name of the game on a platform like Medium. Frankly, I find the need to add the challenge of competing for popularity an interference with the goal for the content I provide on my content sites and I would never introduce unnecessary competition to my funnels. In my opinion, and from my experience, creating the original content on your own server, domain, and blog and then having Medium import that content to your presence there is far more powerful and successful. I am quite sure you can find reference to this on Medium as well. That is a formula that has been around for many years. Always publish your original content on your own platform and then export it to secondary and tertiary sites.
Thanks guys, as usual. So, I guess I'm kind of back to square 1 where I have to deal with website technology anyway. Puke As you remember, I started using Medium so I could just WRITE, and not have to get bogged down so much "in-the-weeds", and just be productive. I WILL admit that writing blogs is nowhere near as worrisome, or annoying as doing graphics. My SEO agent also informed me today that
First to publish SEO with satellite traffic clone sites --makes sense
Thanks Graybeard, but I'm going to have to plead a little bit ignorant on your point. So, if I understand correctly, you're saying originate my articles on my WP site, then import them from there into Medium? Now, when I publish them on Twitter, or anywhere else (FORGET FB) should I link to Medium, or my site? Sorry for still being so slow about this tech.
Huh? o_O Are you saying write my blog on Twitter? The whole thing? Don't they have a character limit? Sorry, I've never used them before. Just didn't have the time. Is that really what you're saying?
I think Twitter to => Medium will be better => Medium to your domain. Reason --Trust factor --Medium is assumed to be a safe site.
I do support all the suggestions above, additionally you can go on quora forums and find questions relating to your article, answer the questions and link them to either to your medium article or your blog article. I recommend owning your own blog.
I do support all the suggestions above, additionally you can go on quora forums and find questions relating to your article, answer the questions and link them to either to your medium article or your blog article. I recommend owning your own blog.
GREAT IDEA PPS. I knew, but I'd forgotten about Quora. I'll get right on that. Off the top of your head do you have any idea about their policies for affiliated links? Yeah, or Nay?
Source: Blog ,Your Domain
Twitter link to medium -> have links there => to Your Blog

If I see a link on a forum or a social media,
  • I will trust a URL at Medium
  • more than I would trust a link to some random domain.
GREAT IDEA PPS. I knew, but I'd forgotten about Quora. I'll get right on that. Off the top of your head do you have any idea about their policies for affiliated links? Yeah, or Nay?
Yeah, you'd have to give value before you take value. Try to not post affiliate links just soon after you joined. Try to answer a lot of questions and get some upvotes and other juice. Then gradually start including your blog links in answers, but don't over do it. One link per question answer should be good. And don't link directly to an affiliate offer or a shortened link like bitly. Thumbs Up
Yeah, you'd have to give value before you take value. Try to not post affiliate links just soon after you joined. Try to answer a lot of questions and get some upvotes and other juice. Then gradually start including your blog links in answers, but don't over do it. One link per question answer should be good. And don't link directly to an affiliate offer or a shortened link like bitly. Thumbs Up
Thumbs UpThumbs Up
here's a top ranked @google_search
It's related to something I am doing --but it's like your general questions ...
It's amazing how well medium does naturally rank for the easier search terms.

Something I'm ramping up at the moment to bring in even more traffic.
In reply to the original question:
Medium just wants as much content as possible, why would you write anything if you weren't benefiting without a link?
As do they all! As do we all! This should be an obvious and important aspect of any marketers efforts. Volumes of quality content, copy, angles, hooks, and triggers make for the continued success of affiliate marketers with stable and growing businesses.
Praising John Goodman GIF by The Righteous Gemstones
here's a top ranked @google_search
It's related to something I am doing --but it's like your general questions ...