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Search results for query: cpalead

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  1. PaidPoints

    Network Wanted GPT site need offerwall and incentive networks

    Hey there! Welcome to affiliatefix!:D What exact help do you need?
  2. Black Davil

    Network Wanted best cpa network for target india

    You can try CPAlead. They have lots of offers in India. I've promoted some of their offers before. It didn't work that well. However, you'll get a lot of offers. But offers always change and not always variety of offers available. If you are not already a member, try it.
  3. bado112

    new method

    i tried to promts in facebook twitter with the landing page i also tried with the paid traffic with adfly but no result im working with cpagrip and cpalead
  4. PaidPoints

    Experience With MaxBounty? MaxBounty, then just try the no approval to join networks out there. You'll be amazed that there are many of them, 3 good examples are CPALead, CPAGrip, and Mobidea. The last time I checked, these CPA networks do not need any approval. Sign up and start earning, and they are very popular...
  5. tyoussef

    new method

    hey @bado112 and welcome to the forum bro. first of all cpagrip and cpalead are not for paid traffic, only affiliates with content lockers and free traffic who are working with this kind of CPA networks.
  6. zikolife

    adsBridge ; help me to ad CPALEAD in tracking

    hi boddy i have a doubt with setting up CPALEAD on adsBridge S2S postback url :{subid}&amt={payout}&status={lead_id} are these a correct ?? thank for helping
  7. D

    Popads and CPA

    Thanks Greybeard for quick insight. Can you recommend any guide or good traffic source that I can try. I am approved in cpalead and maxbounty network.
  8. PaidPoints

    Affiliates: To Auto-Approve Or Not To Auto-Approve?

    I know it's a good thing to vet before approval. But I know some top affiliate networks like CPALead, Mobidea, and I think CPAGrip that have instant approval on Signup and they are still some of the best networks today. So... how do they do it then? Just wondering. If vetting is that necessary.
  9. SmartEnough

    CPALEAD and Startapp

    hi i want to promote cpalead/cpagrip offers in startapp CPI offers question 1 : where i can find offer creatives "banners...etc" ? question 2 : how to setup voluum with cpalead ? question 3 : which affiliate network is good at cpi offers , not "clickdealer,maxbounty,yeahmobi" i already signed...
  10. Make Money With CPA

    CPAlead Stop My Payment | 4 Month Ago CPAlead Stop My Payment He Didn't Sent Me So far

    Hello Everyone and all Respected Affiliatefix Administrators My English is not so good CPAlead did not give me my payment 4th Month ago CPAlead stop my payment and every month CPAlead issue my Payment through the next month Date but not give me and he said we verified your traffic i wait one...
  11. Anthony.

    Testing Affiliate Offer

    I used CPAlead in 2013, best advice is to stay away, that network has changed more times than the weather! :) Networks like that are best for content locking etc.
  12. O

    How To Setup tracking system to advertise in CpaLead

    Hello Guys, I wanted to advertise some affiliate offers from other networks in CpaLead Cpa campaign, but can't setup the tracking properly, where to put postback click id, cpalead acro etc........ Now I am confused I am using adsbridge tracking (Which will expire soon as it is a trial...
  13. jason212

    CPALead Preview doesn't work?

    Hey, can someone check on his PC whether the Preview on CPALead does work? I can see only this one. Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet I saw on the a video from CPALead that I can edit the HTML with Preview etc. but on my Account tested with 2 PC's its blanc? regards
  14. Vikramjeet Singh

    Wanna get my leads for my link !

    Plz help me to get the leads as I work in CPAlead..
  15. D

    Popads and CPA

    ...I tried with budget of around 50 USD and targeting NON USA countries. What I have seen is my budget get exhausted in just few mins and there was no clicks on any of my pop-unders. By the way I was linking directly to Cpalead landing page. Can someone guide why so and what should i do next.
  16. Vikramjeet Singh

    Lead generation

    Can anyone plz help me how to get the leads for CPAlead offers
  17. PaidPoints

    Brand newbie.. Thank you for having me!

    ...If you can blog, then start a blog and write reviews about products, tutorials or any valuable content. You could lock your content with CPALead content locker, and ask the reader to enter email to unlock the content. If the interest of the reader is strong enough, he will enter the mail to...
  18. CPAHub

    Looking for good CPA network for Game Generator Content Locking

    ...Here's a list of such networks: Reviews of CPA Networks, Affiliate Programs and Ad Networks - Affpaying You could also go to the resources page here on AffiliateFix and search for incentive nrtworks. I believe the top incent/content locking networks are cpalead, cpagrip, OGAds and Adludum.
  19. K

    Looking for good CPA network for Game Generator Content Locking

    Hello folks, I am looking for a good CPA network for Game Generator Content Locking. I need worldwide offers with good payouts and options. I also need it to allow Coin generators/game currency landing pages. Tried CPALead but some of their offers seem to be broken links etc ..
  20. Amine Bouayad

    CPAlead Became Fraud/Scam! i Have The proof (Thread Closed - CPALead Did Not Respond )

    Hello guys, Again cpalead doing something bad for the affiliates: when i opened the account i made 182 dollar in the first day with this offer suja Juice $1 Off Coupon. in the next day they closed my account and this is the email that a received from justin my affiliate manager : Hello, There...