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  1. L

    Seeking Help Analyzing Affiliate Marketing Trends in 2024

    Thanks for looking at the screenshot and pointing out the link that the site claims is there, very helpful.
  2. L

    Seeking Help Analyzing Affiliate Marketing Trends in 2024

    there is a screenshot attached to my post saying it contains a link. Please show me where the link is. That is funny saying I can post when I clearly have a screenshot with the popup error message saying I cannot make the post with a link when there isn't a link. :rofl Not sure what was...
  3. L

    Seeking Help Analyzing Affiliate Marketing Trends in 2024

    Frustrating, no matter what I do, cannot post because of some link that does not exist.
  4. L

    Seeking Help Analyzing Affiliate Marketing Trends in 2024

    Think of yourself as your own customer. Do you enjoy talking with a chatbot to get an answer to a problem or question you cannot find on the FAQ pages? Do you like to read summaries and blog posts of vacuous impersonal commentary? The biggest things I can say that has helped me grow my...
  5. L

    Publishing AI Content in Affiliate Sites

    I knew what that word means.
  6. L

    Publishing AI Content in Affiliate Sites

    Llama = Facebook? I have zero success with Facebook, as in not a single ad has been approved. I see competitor ads running on FB and IG, but even our reels are not eligible for "boost". Do you need to keep on top of the fine tuning to keep up with the algorithm adaptations? If you can, that...
  7. L

    Publishing AI Content in Affiliate Sites

    I had an SEO "team" doing all the work. It was explained to me that they could quickly increase my rank with AI generated blog posts, but it would all be undone in a relatively short term. If over abused, would get deindexed and this was all confirmed by a black hat specialist. I am a writer...
  8. L

    Publishing AI Content in Affiliate Sites

    SEO ranking always destroys auto generated content within a very short period of time. You are better off finding a writer off a gig site than AI generated. SEO indexing loves UGC with pictures, properly tagged, tables explaining differences in products (as an example), and non-passive voice...