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Publishing AI Content in Affiliate Sites

Published AI Contents on my affiliate websites and got better results in the first month but after that site stopped ranking or sometimes it take more than week to index my AI articles on google.

Has anybody experiences this issues? or is it beneficial to publish AI contents on affiliate websites?
SEO ranking always destroys auto generated content within a very short period of time. You are better off finding a writer off a gig site than AI generated. SEO indexing loves UGC with pictures, properly tagged, tables explaining differences in products (as an example), and non-passive voice writing.
SEO ranking always destroys auto generated content within a very short period of time. You are better off finding a writer off a gig site than AI generated. SEO indexing loves UGC with pictures, properly tagged, tables explaining differences in products (as an example), and non-passive voice writing.
Already have 2 writers working full time for me. But was curious to check how AI automation affects affiliate sites and resulted in short term benefits and then downranking or deindexing
Already have 2 writers working full time for me. But was curious to check how AI automation affects affiliate sites and resulted in short term benefits and then downranking or deindexing
I had an SEO "team" doing all the work. It was explained to me that they could quickly increase my rank with AI generated blog posts, but it would all be undone in a relatively short term. If over abused, would get deindexed and this was all confirmed by a black hat specialist.

I am a writer, so knocking out 2 blog posts a week is no real time for me. There is web SEO help with understanding how AI is detected, even though they promote AI bots as an add-on service. As a writer, I can usually pick it up quick sice it really is a word salad mess that doesn't really sound like much. Write a 400 page post about a topic, then take all the key points and enter it into an AI writer and look at the difference.
I spent months fine tuning Llama 3 to create content that passed ai detection tools. All of the content was informational and mostly all of it was also manually edited, some of it did did pretty well
I think what you are missing out about AI is that it is a much, much better way to gain information than search engines. Buying something is a separate issue. Ask Google how many queries result in a PPC click :D

SEO, notwithstanding brand ownership or directive access, is living off crumbs usually.
I spent months fine tuning Llama 3 to create content that passed ai detection tools. All of the content was informational and mostly all of it was also manually edited, some of it did did pretty well
Llama = Facebook? I have zero success with Facebook, as in not a single ad has been approved. I see competitor ads running on FB and IG, but even our reels are not eligible for "boost".

Do you need to keep on top of the fine tuning to keep up with the algorithm adaptations? If you can, that is fantastic. Personally, as a writer it only takes a couple hours a week to create two blog posts.
Published AI Contents on my affiliate websites and got better results in the first month but after that site stopped ranking or sometimes it take more than week to index my AI articles on google.

Has anybody experiences this issues? or is it beneficial to publish AI contents on affiliate websites?

I've been explaining to all of you for as much as a year now, and posted Google links a the beginning, that the Big G was (and is) penalizing sites and de-indexing pages and sites for AI generated content. They've published it many times. They have said that a time will come for it to be acceptable, but that time is not near.

You will be penalized for AI content by Google, they've said it, they've published it, and they say it will continue for the time being.
went through a phase of trying to automate everything. Somethings don't need it.

Exactly! Plus, people can tell when someone is expressing their thoughts themselves. You and I can write the same story, but it would not use all of the same words, creativeness, punctuations, or the same denouements (I wrote this just to make a point and make you look it up).
I wrote this just to make a point and make you look it up
ChatGPT says: :)
The term denouement refers to the final part of a narrative, such as a story, play, or film, where the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. It's the point in the story where the conflicts are settled, and the narrative reaches its conclusion. The denouement follows the climax and leads to the closure of the story, providing a sense of completion to the audience.

I confess to have been missing this in a lot of my content :rofl
Exactly! Plus, people can tell when someone is expressing their thoughts themselves. You and I can write the same story, but it would not use all of the same words, creativeness, punctuations, or the same denouements (I wrote this just to make a point and make you look it up).
I knew what that word means.
ChatGPT says: :)
The term denouement refers to the final part of a narrative, such as a story, play, or film, where the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. It's the point in the story where the conflicts are settled, and the narrative reaches its conclusion. The denouement follows the climax and leads to the closure of the story, providing a sense of completion to the audience.

I confess to have been missing this in a lot of my content :rofl

When we write the end of a story in our copy, we may write it differently from one another while simultaneously seeking the same result.
This isn’t uncommon. AI-generated content can give a quick boost initially, but Google’s algorithms are getting better at detecting low-quality or thin content, which can lead to ranking drops or indexing issues.