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  1. alex.b

    local lead gen?

    Hi Attila, I'm not sure if you ever tried generating leads for local businesses, but I guess it's not much different than generating CPA leads. Anyway, I want to produce phone calls for some businesses in my area but my problem is where to get the traffic from. Ranking lead gen sites (SEO)...
  2. alex.b

    adserver vs. tracker

    Nobody that ever wondered about this or could answer my question? :(
  3. alex.b

    Request mobile tools here!

    Could you specify what kind of tools were added exactly?
  4. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything About AdsBridge tracking platform

    Is this just a rumor or is AdsBridge made by the affiliate network Clickdealer?
  5. alex.b

    adserver vs. tracker

    Ok obviously an adserver (adbutler, epom) is different to a tracker (cpvlab, voluum, thrive etc.) in that it can handle ads. However, what I'm trying to understand is if I were to use an adserver - would I still need a tracking tool? Right now I'm looking at either upgrading my cpvlab license...
  6. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything Pay-Per-View Traffic, The Great Secret

    Thanks for the reply! Just to be sure, if I only wanted to get mobile pops, in the targeting I would only check smartphones, android/ios and all browsers? And do you offer a tracking pixel?
  7. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything Pay-Per-View Traffic, The Great Secret

    Do you offer a tracking pixel? How is your volume compared to LeadImpact? What is your average demographic? And since I'm a noob when it comes to mobile, do pop-ups work on a mobile? Or is that where the in-text ads would display instead?
  8. alex.b

    How to track PPCall offers?

    It seems like tracking won't work properly in CPVlab without the user clicking on a tracking link anywhere so I have dropped that solution for now. LeadImpact has a conversion pixel (javascript) and I saw in Ringpartner/Invoca there is an option to create a webhook (which seems to only allow...
  9. alex.b

    How to track PPCall offers?

    Thanks for the answers! I will ask my rep at ringpartner regarding the numbers for PPV. Hopefully it's not to much hassle or cost for you guys because I haven't touched PPV in quite a while...
  10. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything Black Hat SEO Q&A

    Thanks for all these answers, much appreciated! No worries mate, I'm not a native either. When you talk about domain age, are you referring to the average domain age of the PBNs (the older the better) or the money site? I found it to be a bit hit and miss with aged money sites, some rank really...
  11. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything Black Hat SEO Q&A

    Good stuff ironbull! I'll make up for the lack of questions in your thread now, haha. I moved away from GSA to PBNs because the whole administrations tasks (and SER breaking down frequently, new updates breaking stuff etc.) were just annoying and after a while I couldn't see any real rank gains...
  12. alex.b

    How to track PPCall offers?

    Ok I dug a bit deeper and got ringpools enabled for my account, watched the webinar but I'm a bit lost. For various reasons, I decided to go with CPV for now instead of Bingads. Now I want to use my own tracker (CPVlab) to get a better overview and stats on which keywords converted and which...
  13. alex.b

    Why didn't your call convert?

    Thanks a lot for this, the "connect duration vs. duration " and "converts on qualified call" was an eye opener!
  14. alex.b

    Various LI/PPV questions

    Hi Lukasz, I have a bunch of LI and general CPV related questions, hopefully you can shed some light on them: 1. How does LI determine bidding priority? Let me explain. There is a popular bidding model that goes like this (variations of 1 URL): awesomeURL1.c...
  15. alex.b

    How to track PPCall offers?

    Thanks for the reply, Mike. How does this work, every call that comes through my referral phone number then produces something like a unique subid which gets posted back to adwords where I could then see for which ad group/ad/keyword the conversion occurred? Ringpools, I see you guys did a...
  16. alex.b

    Ask Me Anything Ask Anything About Pay Per Call

    Thanks for the reply, Mike, much appreciated! So the IVR, is that something that exists in a pre-recorded fashion (text to speech) or how do you set this up? And this happens inside invoca/your platform? Could you elaborate how this allows for better monetization or multiple revenue streams? I...
  17. alex.b

    $7000+ in 2 weeks

    Congrats man, well done! This is inspiring indeed... Would also appreciate a hint. Lots of traffic from a free traffic source BUT without it being blackhat (= spam etc.) is pretty rare. Did you use any kind of bots or automating tools? Probably impossible to hit these numbers with just manual work.
  18. alex.b

    How to track PPCall offers?

    My apologies if this has already been answered in this subforum but I couldn't find much on it, just general references. So far I only ran "normal" CPA/CPS type of campaigns (and the user always stays on his computer, keeps clicking links or filling out forms so it's easy to split-test stuff...
  19. alex.b

    Selling How to Make $20, 000 In 1 Single Month Scaling Media Buy Campaigns (with Kickass Support)

    Hey mate, that FB link doesn't lead anywhere. Got some more testimonials for this? Anything with PPCall in the guide or does this kind of traffic only work with CPA type of offers?