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Why didn't your call convert?


Active Member
Pay per call is certainly different than traditional affiliate marketing and the conversion criteria is certainly one of the biggest differences.

Quite often publishers contact us wondering why their call didn't convert. Below is a list of the likely reasons for this.

Repeat Caller
This is likely the most common reason why your call didn't convert. Most campaigns don't pay for repeat callers within 30 days. A call is designated as a repeat when a campaign receives a call with the same caller ID within the repeat caller time period or window.

Connect Duration vs. Duration
You'll notice this on the conversion criteria, some campaigns convert on "connect duration" and some on "duration". The big difference is when the clock starts. With a connect duration the clock doesn't start until the caller is connected to the advertiser's line. So, if there's a IVR, the time in the IVR doesn't count. Duration simply means the clock starts as soon as the call does and IVR time will be counted.

Look for required keypress values on the conversion description. Some campaigns require that the user presses a key to qualify as a converted call. Usually this is done by the advertiser to filter customer service or unqualified calls.

Qualified Calls
You'll see this on campaigns that are bundled. Bundling means that there are multiple buyers on the campaign and each buyer has a different conversion requirement. One buyer might payout after 2 minutes and a keypress, whereas another pays out after 1 minute and no key presses. So, the campaign simply states that it pays out on a Qualified Call. Ask your rep for clarification on this and an averaged conversion value that you can use.

Clicks to Call Prompt
Many times your ad will be clicked on, but not receive a call. So, you'll see mis-matched click to call stats within your add network and the reporting platform. But, it's important to remember that a click does not equal a call. A click on an ad only generates the call prompt on a phone, and the user may choose to not make the call.

Conversion Criteria
It's important to note all of the conversion criteria on a campaign. Be sure to check locations, hours, keypresses, duration, repeat call status, etc. Any calls that fail to match all of the conversion criteria will not be paid out.
It's great reading. I like the concept the "repeat caller". Most probably many marketers didn't emphasize on this section and they have less convert as they expected.